Orange County NC Website
IIIIIIIIIIII <br />Lowman et al. <br />in participant statements, issues raised, and <br />terminology used suggest that the health and <br />environmental issues identified here warrant <br />attention from environmental health scien- <br />tists and public health officials. Although dif- <br />ferences in the composition and treatment of <br />sewage sludge, land application methods, and <br />geographic features of application sites make <br />the transferability of results to other locations <br />uncertain, case reports indicate that similar <br />health and quality of life issues are raised in <br />other states and countries (Harrison and Oakes <br />2002; Lewis et al. 2002; Lowman et al. 2011; <br />Shields 2002). <br />Conclusion <br />Most respondents suggested that if land appli- <br />cation continues, it should be conducted in <br />a more just and democratic way-one that <br />informs people who may be affected by the <br />application before it occurs, takes commu- <br />nity input seriously and adapts the practice <br />accordingly, and ensures that people and their <br />environment are kept safe from harm. <br />Phil Brown (2003), a professor of sociology <br />at Brown University who has studied contami- <br />nated communities worldwide, concluded, <br />Virtually all cases of contaminated communities are <br />detected by lay discovery, largely because affected <br />populations tend to notice environmental prob- <br />lems. As well, scientists and government agencies <br />are not usually carrying out routine surveillance <br />tbat would detect such problems. <br />Surveillance and monitoring of land <br />application of sewage sludge is limited, and <br />enforcement of the rules is weak (Harrison and <br />Eaton 2001; Lowman et al. 2011; U.S. EPA <br />2000, 2002). Community members are key <br />witnesses of land application events and their <br />potential impacts on health, quality of life, and <br />the environment. As such, they may consider <br />documenting their experiences by taking photo- <br />graphs and keeping diaries with dates, times, <br />and descriptions of application events, truck <br />traffic, odor, physical reactions, environmental <br />impacts, or other observations. Residents' docu- <br />mentation and ideas for improvements to land <br />application offer a distinct perspective on the <br />practice that industry and government officials <br />lack. 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