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Article 6: Development Standards <br />Section 6.13: Stream Buffers <br />(E) Cane Creek Protected (CANE -PW), Little River Protected (LITTLE -PW), South Hyco <br />Creek Protected (HYCO -PW), Flat River Protected (FLAT -PW), Haw River Protected <br />(HAW -PW) & Jordan Lake Protected (JORDAN -PW) <br />(1) The buffer width shall be the width calculated using Method A, or 150', whichever <br />is less. <br />6.13.5 Areas Outside of Watershed Protection Overlay Districts <br />(A) In areas not identified on the Official Zoning Atlas as Watershed Protection Overlay <br />Districts, a stream buffer a minimum of 50 feet in width shall be established along both <br />sides of streams identified per Section 6.13.2. <br />(B) Stream buffers for Soil Survey streams shall only be calculated using Method A as <br />explained in Section 6.13.3. <br />6.13.6 Uses Allowable Within Stream Buffers <br />(A) General Standards <br />(1) Prior to any land disturbing activity within a designated stream buffer, the <br />property owner shall provide written notification of the location and nature of the <br />proposed use to the Planning Department for review. The notification shall state <br />that the use shall be designed, constructed, and maintained to minimize soil <br />disturbance and to provide the maximum water quality protection practicable. <br />(2) All land disturbing activities within a designated stream buffer require approval of <br />the Erosion Control Officer in accordance with applicable State and local <br />regulations, as well as all other required local, State and /or Federal permits and <br />approvals prior to commencement of land disturbing activities. <br />(3) The submittal of additional information and /or applications may be required prior <br />to any land disturbing activity within a designated stream buffer, in accordance <br />with the provisions of this Ordinance. <br />(B) Additional Standards for Uses Allowable With Mitigation <br />(1) Development proposals shall be submitted and reviewed in accordance with this <br />Ordinance and all applicable State regulations. <br />(2) Mitigation shall be provided in accordance with adopted State standards and <br />shall be approved and inspected by the Erosion Control Officer or his /her <br />designee. <br />(C) Uses Allowable <br />The following uses are allowed as a matter of right in stream buffers, subject to the <br />General Standards established in Section 6.13.6(A), and any specific standards for the <br />use: <br />(1) Above - ground and buried utility lines for local distribution of electricity, telephone, <br />data, and cable television service, as well as accessory and appurtenant <br />apparatus such as poles, guy wires, transformers and switching boxes. <br />(2) Individual or community wells. <br />(3) Public water and sewer lines are permitted only as allowed by the Orange <br />County Water and Sewer Policy, and may be located within stream buffers only <br />to the extent necessary to cross the stream buffer as closely as possible to <br />perpendicular. Individual or community wastewater disposal systems are not <br />permitted in stream buffers. <br />(4) Public and private streets, bridges, railroad rights -of -way, and other similar travel <br />ways, provided that they enter and exit the buffer area as nearly perpendicular as <br />possible. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 6 -98 <br />