Orange County NC Website
CFE Meeting Ground Rules (Adopted 9112111) <br />1. Keep to agenda topic under discussion <br />2. Share relevant information <br />3. One person speaks at a time after recognition by the Chair <br />4. Everyone is invited to participate in discussions / no one person should dominate <br />discussions <br />s. Strive to reach consensus first before voting <br />Activities the CFE expects to carry out in 2016: <br />• Continue to update the Orange County State of the Environment 2014 report <br />• Continue to explore ways to improve the County's ability to foster local sustainable <br />energy production and energy efficiency strategies, including developing incentives for <br />increasing energy efficiency in new construction <br />• Recommend ways to reduce the County's "carbon footprint" and implement the County's <br />Environmental Responsibility Goal (BOCC Priority #10) <br />• Continue to help with public outreach and management efforts related to hydrilla in <br />the Eno River <br />• Help initiate the development of a comprehensive conservation plan for Orange Co <br />• Co- sponsor the annual DEAPR photography contest (The Nature of Orange) <br />• Help plan for and participate in County's annual Earth Evening event <br />Concerns or emerging issues the CFE has identified for 2016: <br />• The CFE will continue to advocate for an expansion of the County's commercial food waste <br />pickup and composting services to reduce food waste in the solid waste stream <br />• The CFE remains interested in developing incentives for increasing energy efficiency in new <br />construction <br />• The CFE will continue to learn more about environmental justice matters and incorporate <br />relevant information and considerations in the State of the Environment report and its other <br />activities <br />• The CFE will continue to follow the Solid Waste Advisory Group's discussions of how to <br />improve the handling and disposal of Orange County's solid waste, and will advocate for <br />better long -term solutions <br />• The CFE will continue to advocate for increased efforts to gather information related to water <br />resources in Orange County and to increase public awareness and understanding of water <br />supply sources, related concerns, and what steps can be undertaken to maintain or improve <br />the quantity and quality of Orange County water supply resources <br />• The CFE will continue to address, as appropriate, the critical environmental issues for Orange <br />County as enumerated on page 3 of the 2014 State of the Environment report, which include <br />potential adverse effects from a) invasive, non - native, plant and animal species; b) reductions <br />in State -led collection of water resources data; c) potential drilling for natural gas in the Deep <br />River basin; d) urban sprawl; and CFE support for e) the responsible deployment of clean and <br />appropriately -sited renewable energy and reductions in energy use to help fight climate <br />change <br />