CFE agenda 111416
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 111416
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3/2/2018 11:24:10 AM
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3/2/2018 11:21:57 AM
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CFE minutes 111416
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Commission for the Environment\Minutes\2016
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Commission for the Environment Movember 7, 2016 DRA,,FT <br />• The CFE helped to initiate a countywide inventory of greenhouse gas emissions <br />(2005), and continues to advise on ways to reduce the County's "carbon footprint." <br />Objective AE -15: <br />Foster participation in green energy programs such as installation incentives for solar hot <br />water /solar generation /solar tempering in residential or commercial construction. The <br />County should develop programs that will link citizens and businesses with options for <br />alternative and sustainable energy sources. <br />• The CFE's 41IT aii ;d Energy Resources Committee has developed proposals that <br />address energy efficiency and renewable power issues, and will pursue further in <br />collaboration with other advisory boards and stakeholders. <br />Objective NA -3: <br />Develop a more detailed and consistent methodology for monitoring changes in forest <br />cover throughout the County, and specifically the extent of mature hardwood forest. <br />• The CFE's State of the Environment report documented significant reductions in <br />mature hardwood forest that occurred from 2003 -2008 and since 1988 I III l l p staff <br />:u..11 u.4 n0.atv tnc6 data is un.a.l..s.0. v fc: �.),st ac.n.v. .uRI.YY wc.un, that caa.:.:.:. .F ..2.0.0 2.0..4..:. <br />Objective NA -11: <br />Develop a comprehensive conservation plan for achieving a network of protected open <br />space throughout Orange County, which addresses 1) threats to important natural areas; <br />2) connectivity between protected areas; 3) coordination with neighboring counties; and <br />4) sustainable management of critical natural resources. <br />• The CFE's Land Resources Committee is nau lialinailiin 111 a Q o,u, i,n t,y gffoirt to lidenil <br />90" 1_IT ::Nseirve liunnp2'taini IlaunO,:aa 2 g2EElidor,,: illnai aaininaai ,:li olfiaaini unaturall <br />unF „ a,: , wo i* Rg 4th ....Othel' i;E:cuwaiwcn ....en #(uan c uR4n ate the developn;eRt of <br />Objective NA -16: <br />Create a system of public and private open space and conservation areas, including <br />parks, nature preserves, and scenic vistas representative of Orange County landscape. <br />• The CFE advises County's Lands Legacy program in its efforts to protect the most <br />important natural and cultural resource lands through a variety of means. <br />• The CFE's Land Resources Committee is gna' li6ipgj1n 111 a ouni a foirt to fide nfl <br />au�0 nuIT�Fr :auITva Iiirn,p2j taini Ilaui0 aana g,2[[lidor,,: illnai connect ficaini unaturall <br />aunFras <br />Objective WR -5: <br />Promote and participate in regional efforts to plan for use of water supplies in the region <br />in an equitable manner, including contingency planning for water supplies during <br />droughts. [Also Objectives WR -9, WR -10, and WR -15] <br />• CFE stays abreast of Jordan Lake Partnership and advises staff as needed <br />• CFE advocates for full implementation of the Water Resources Initiative to ensure <br />planning for an adequate water supply for current and anticipated future needs <br />Objective WRA 1: <br />Provide incentives and educational information to landowners to increase protection of <br />watersheds and ground water supplies and their inter - relationships. <br />• The CFE distributes groundwater and surface water educational materials at Earth <br />Evening and Last Fridays events and as part of its State of the Environment reports <br />
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