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Pollinators around the <br />w-tr4I <br />says <br />butterfly <br />Volunteers provides oases of food <br />2nd water <br />multiplied 16-fold <br />February <br />BY BRUCE HENDERSON <br /> <br />com <br />he bees and but- <br />terflies flitting <br />through your yard <br />this summer don't <br />hint at a dark reality: The <br />pollinators that feed the <br />world are starving. <br />More than 200,000 <br />species, mostly insects, <br />carry pollen grains from <br />male to female parts of <br />flowers for reproduction. <br />Three- quarters of the <br />globe's food crops rely on <br />pollinators. <br />But up to 40 percent - <br />chiefly bees and butter- <br />flies - face extinction, the <br />United Nations reported <br />earlier this year. Habitat <br />losses leave too few of the <br />native plants that feed' <br />pollinators and nurture <br />their young. Pesticides, <br />invasive species, disease <br />and climate change all <br />take tolls. <br />Charlotte is part of the <br />growing response to a <br />global crisis. <br />Earlier this year the <br />Charlotte -based N.C. Wild- <br />life Federation launched <br />the Butterfly Highway. The <br />program recruits volunteers <br />to create a network of oas- <br />es for the hardworking <br />insects. <br />The response was un- <br />expected. The program <br />began in February with 50 <br />volunteers in west Char- <br />lotte. By June more than <br />800 people had signed on <br />statewide, tending plots <br />from apartment balconies <br />to 100 -acre farms. <br />"This is something that <br />anyone can do because it <br />doe.m't cost any money, <br />R <br />SA VIN BFESn <br />F � <br />Resting on a honeysuckle vine, an Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly, the state butterfly <br />of North Carolina, warms up near a Butterfly Highway. <br />and you can belong to a <br />bigger network," said the <br />federation's Angel Hjard- <br />ing, a UNC Charlotte <br />doctoral student who <br />leads the program. <br />The basics are simple: <br />Tend native plants; offer <br />water; avoid insecticide <br />use. <br />The plight of pollinators <br />is gaining international <br />attention. Before the UN's <br />jarring report, the Obama <br />administration announced <br />a plan last year to make 7 <br />million acres of federal <br />land more pollinator - <br />friendly. There's also a <br />federally sanctioned <br />National Pollinator Week, <br />which began June 20. <br />Just as striking is that <br />ordinary people want to <br />help. <br />The Asheville -based <br />nonprofit Bee City USA, <br />which works to raise <br />awareness of pollinators, <br />got its start in 2012. Now <br />22 U.S. cities, including <br />Matthews, are Bee Cities <br />and 13 university campus- <br />es have signed up to hold <br />public awareness events. <br />"The sad news is that <br />because pollinators are so <br />small and work so hard <br />and go about their busi- <br />ness, they just haven't <br />been noticed," said foun- <br />der Phyllis Stiles. "People <br />have gotten the memo <br />that no bees, no food." <br />Stiles was named U.S. <br />advocate of the year in <br />2015 by the Pollinator . <br />Partnership, the largest <br />nonprofit in the field. But <br />after z`ears of work for <br />said. <br />In Chatham County, <br />west of Raleigh, extension <br />agent Debbie Roos cre- <br />ated a demonstration <br />pollination garden in <br />2008. Since then, she's <br />led more than 100 garden, <br />tours while presenting <br />programs across the state. <br />"People come to my <br />workshops and go home <br />with milkweed plants" on <br />which monarch butterflies <br />lay their eggs, Roos said. <br />"Then I get the proud <br />pictures the next year of a <br />monarch." <br />The enthusiasm can be <br />contagious. <br />Ron Ross, a mortgage <br />auditor and caregiver in <br />Charlotte, wanted to find <br />a project that would en- <br />gage his community off <br />Beatties Ford Road. He <br />found it in the pollinator <br />nonprofit groups, she gardens that a half -dozen <br />knew little about pollina- neighbors have tended <br />tors until 2007. since last summer as fore - <br />That's when news broke_ <br />that 30 to 90 percent of <br />domestic honey bee hives <br />were being lost, the vital <br />worker bees are disap- <br />pearing. Losses have mod- <br />erated since, but the cause <br />of colony collapse <br />disorder, as it is called, <br />remains a mystery. Re- <br />searchers suspect a mix of <br />reasons, including in- <br />vasive mites, new diseases <br />and pesticide poisoning. <br />"Our goal is being PC - <br />pollinator conscious - so <br />that when you start to pull <br />out that bottle of Roundup <br />(weed killer), you might <br />pause and think of pollina- <br />tors and say `maybe I <br />don't need that,' " Stiles <br />