CFE agenda 080816
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 080816
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CFE minutes 080816
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Orange County Interloca) Clean Energy Work Group <br />Draft Scope of Work <br />Joint Solar Energy Feasibility Study <br />The Orange County Interlocal Clean Energy Work Group ( ICEWG), comprised of Orange Water and <br />Sewer Authority, Orange County, Carrboro, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools, and the <br />Town of Chapel Hill, seeks consulting service proposals for a joint solar energy feasibility study. The goals <br />of this project are to provide each organization with a prioritized list of possible renewable energy <br />deployment sites and to help the group prepare for a potential joint procurement of solar PV in the <br />future. There are up to total facilities that ICEWG members will wish to include in this analysis. <br />To this end, the ICEWG anticipates the following scope of services: <br />• Pre - project due diligence — this step is to ensure that the consultant has an adequate grasp of <br />local and organizational conditions. This research would include, but not be limited to: local <br />economic conditions with regards to solar, state regulatory structure, local ordinances and other <br />applicable laws, and potential financial (and ownership) models for funding the project. <br />• Initial data collection — the consultant will provide members with a standardized data collection <br />method and assist in collecting asset data for each of the potential sites to be evaluated. This <br />includes buildings, parking structures, vacant land, and any other potential sites that could host <br />a solar array. <br />• Technical analysis - after screening the data for potential sites, the consultant will conduct site <br />visits to field- verify data and conduct a technical analysis of solar potential. For each site, this <br />includes, but is not limited to, the following: kW potential, shading analysis, roof condition, and <br />annual energy output. All analysis should cover the entire life of the system (25 -30 years), and <br />the consultant should use an industry standard software package, such as NREL's System <br />Advisor Model. <br />Financial analysis - the consultant will create a pro forma for each potential site, analyzing costs <br />and benefits for the life of the system. This should include, but is not limited to, the following: <br />capital costs, financing and insurance costs, O &M costs, REC values, and annual energy revenue <br />(both energy and demand using actual rate tariffs). The analysis should also provide a breakeven <br />analysis, which should include simple payback (accounting for inflation and system degradation), <br />levelized cost of energy, cash flow, and net present value. <br />• Synthesis and prioritization — the consultant will create a final report for each group member, <br />prioritizing each site based on its financial performance. The report and rankings should include <br />current and projected capital costs, roof replacements, site suitability, and any other relevant <br />factors. Additionally, the consultant will provide the entire group a report and presentation on <br />potential bundling opportunities for collaborative procurement. <br />Proposals should include a fixed fee and /or a per site cost. Proposals should also include: an anticipated <br />schedule; list of key personnel that will work on the project and brief description of their qualifications <br />and experience; work capacity of the firm; and three references for similar projects completed for other <br />clients. <br />
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