Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />Kaiser and Davis reported on their experience at the Earth Evening event in <br />Hillsborough (April 29). Kaiser said there was a fairly steady stream of visitors, and most <br />children were between six and twelve years old. He suggested having more handouts <br />and children's activities in the future. Shaw reported that Hintz had similar <br />recommendations that he shared with CFE members via email, including having <br />giveaways (e.g., rocks, minerals, shells), large map for people to identify /mark the <br />county parks they have visited, unlabeled map for people to identify key locations, and <br />checklists of common wildflowers and birds in the county. <br />Davis asked for CFE volunteers to set up a table at one or more of the Last Friday <br />evenings in downtown Hillsborough. Shaw suggested June and September, and either <br />he or Davis will email CFE members to reauest volunteers for those Fridav eveninas. <br />CFE members reiterated their interest in reinvigorating the CFE's Facebook page and <br />perhaps using other social media. O'Connor offered to present some basic information <br />about these media sources at the June meeting, and it was suggested that Gronback <br />join her in making a presentation and leading the discussion. Gronback had earlier <br />recommended that they develop a code of conduct for the use of its Facebook page. <br />jWegman offered to contact Gronback to ask that she prepare this for June meeting.] <br />Kaiser offered to research climate change and to educate himself on this topic so that he <br />might prepare a draft news article on the topic. He mentioned learning that the geologic <br />record provides evidence of five periods of extinction in the Earth's history, and that the <br />current literature indicates we may be entering a sixth period of species extinction. <br />Newby mentioned the federal government is assisting a community in Louisiana to <br />relocate due to rising sea level. He said this is considered the first such incidence of <br />"climate refugees" in the United States. <br />O'Connor mentioned that Carrboro's Environmental Advisory Board has developed a <br />climate plan, and she suggests the CFE learn about this effort from one or more of the <br />board members, which includes herself, Rob Pinder, and Kathy Kaufman. Shaw said <br />he would obtain a copy of the plan from O'Connor and distribute to the CFE. <br />VI. Committee Meetings — Wegman suggested not breaking out into committees because <br />of the many absences, and CFE members agreed. <br />VII. Updates and Information Items — Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting package; selected items were discussed: a) Eno River hydrilla update, b) <br />aquatic weed control bill, c) Hollow Rock Nature Park, d) Clean Power Plan update, e) <br />renewable energy investments in NC, f) Duke Energy ranks in top 3 for solar <br />connections, g) Durham NET Power building a zero - emissions plant, h) climate change, <br />i) Mason Farm wetlands, and j) SolarBees removed from Jordan Lake. <br />Davis provided a brief update on the chemical treatment of hydrilla in the Eno River. He <br />noted that in this second year of the two -year pilot study there are two locations for <br />injecting the herbicide downstream of Hillsborough. Davis said he would provide further <br />updates as the study proceeds into the summer months. <br />VI 11. Adjournment — Wegman adjourned the meeting at 9:15 pm. The next CFE meeting is <br />scheduled for June 13 in Hillsborough. <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff <br />2 <br />