Orange County NC Website
BY PAUL A. SPECI T <br />aspecht@newsobsei, <br />RALEIGH <br />The state Senate might in- <br />troduce a freshwater mussel <br />species into Jordan and Falls <br />lakes to reduce algae and clean <br />the water. <br />The state Senate budget <br />proposal that passed a second <br />reading on Thursday earmarks <br />$500,000 from the Clean <br />Water Management Trust Fund <br />to study whether certain mus- <br />sels can effectively clean Jor- <br />dan and Falls lakes, which <br />provide drinking water to hun- <br />dreds of thousands of Triangle <br />residents. <br />The mussel study is one of <br />several proposals in the Senate <br />budget that environmentalists <br />said would be detrimental to <br />water bodies across North Car- <br />olina. <br />"This should be a concern for <br />all in Wake County because it <br />affects all of our water," said <br />Karen Rindge, executive direc- <br />tor of WakeUP Wake County. <br />While a Stanford University <br />study found that freshwater <br />mussels can clean chemicals <br />from some waterways, it's un- <br />clear how they would work on <br />algae in stagnant water. <br />Michael Mallin, a research <br />professor of marine and estua- <br />rine ecology at UNC- Wilming- <br />ton, said he doubted that in- <br />troducing mussels into the lakes <br />would clean the water. In stag- <br />nant lake waters, he said, the <br />mussels could further harm the <br />water. <br />"The nutrients in the algae: <br />the mussels are going to excrete <br />a lot of it - ammonia and phos- <br />phorus - back into the water," <br />Mallin said. <br />Among other moves, the Sen- <br />ate proposal would delay until <br />2020 stringent development <br />restrictions - known as the Jor- <br />dan Lake Rules on upstream <br />communities like Greensboro <br />that the then - Democrat -led <br />General Assembly approved in <br />2009. In the meantime, the <br />Senate proposal instructs state <br />authorities to come up with <br />alternative in -lake methods for <br />cleaning water. <br />It also would repeal require- <br />ments for riparian buffers along <br />rivers statewide, including the <br />Neuse. Riparian buffers are the <br />strips of natural land next to <br />waterways that filter out pollu- <br />tants before they reach the water. <br />The mussel idea comes less <br />House to protect North Car - <br />than a month after the state <br />olina's water with science -based <br />Department of Environmental <br />solutions. <br />Quality announced that it would <br />Republicans in the Senate on <br />remove the controversial <br />Thursday aimed to use science <br />water- churning devices known <br />against proponents of upstream <br />as SolarBees from Jordan Lake <br />restrictions. <br />because they aren't working. <br />Sen. Trudy Wade, a Guilford <br />"While creative, proposing the <br />County Republican, quoted the <br />use of mussels to clean up Jor- <br />Army Corps of Engineers in <br />dan Lake is possibly the only <br />claiming Jordan Lake would <br />idea bad enough to make Solar- <br />always be impaired. <br />Bee water mixers sound plausi- <br />In that vein, Sen. Rick Gunn <br />ble," said Dustin Chicurel- <br />suggested the Jordan Lake Rules <br />Bayard, communications direc- <br />were too harsh on his constitu- <br />tor of the N.C. Sierra Club. <br />ents. <br />"Why is the Senate putting <br />"To sit here and want to put <br />major policy issues into the <br />all this on the upstream commu- <br />budget, once again ?" he said. <br />nities is asinine," said Gunn, an <br />"The Senate budget will elim- <br />Alamance County Republican. <br />inate protections for waterways <br />Senate Democrats, mean - <br />owned by all of us - all while <br />while, called the proposal un- <br />end - running the normal legisla- <br />necessary. <br />tive process." <br />"It's bad science. It's bad <br />The state House of Repre- <br />policy," said Sena Mike Woodard <br />sentatives must vote to approve <br />of Durham County. "And it's a <br />the proposal, and Gov. Pat <br />waste of money to the tax - <br />McCrory must sign it before it <br />payers." <br />becomes law. <br />Chicurel- Bayard said envi- <br />Paul A. Specht: 919 - 829 -4870, <br />ronmentalists are turning to the <br />@AndySpecht <br />