CFE agenda 061316
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 061316
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3/2/2018 11:10:09 AM
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3/2/2018 11:08:25 AM
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CFE minutes 061316
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Support for Conservation <br />Briefly describe the conservation interests or actions of your community and local governing or planning - related <br />board. <br />Within the project area, a remarkable amount of land has been conserved by local land trusts, local <br />government programs, educational institutions (Duke and UNC), water supply utilities, and other <br />entities. This success would not have been possible without the high level of community interest and <br />political support for land and water conservation. <br />Orange County's 2030 Comprehensive Plan (adopted 2008) calls for the development of a <br />comprehensive conservation plan for achieving a network of protected open space that addresses 1) <br />threats to important natural areas; 2) connectivity between protected areas; 3) coordination with <br />neighboring counties; and 4) sustainable management of critical natural resources. Such a plan has <br />already been developed for Chatham County. This PGG- funded project would expand that effort to <br />include Durham and Orange counties and specifically the Jordan Lake watershed and inter -basin area <br />between the Neuse and Cape Fear Rivers. <br />Summary Project and Budget Narrative <br />Describe your project below in 300 words or less. Include a brief description of the activities that will use PGG <br />funds and what you would count as non - federal in -kind match. Please provide the approximate amount of PGG <br />funds that would be requested for GIS mapping. <br />PPG funds will be used to hire a project leader to oversee the development of a collaborative <br />conservation plan for portions of Durham, Orange, and Chatham counties. The plan will identify high - <br />priority landscape corridors between significant natural areas and wildlife habitat in the Jordan Lake <br />watershed and a "land bridge" between the Neuse and Cape Fear River basins. Protecting these <br />corridors is critical for native plants and animals to survive across a mosaic of habitat types within the <br />Central Piedmont Region. Without these connections, the existing patchwork of conservation lands will <br />become further isolated, threatening their value and contribution to the long -term persistence of <br />species and ecosystem services. <br />The plan will synthesize existing data and land protection tools for the project area and build upon the <br />ongoing work of the Chatham Conservation Partnership, which developed strategies for protecting a <br />network of natural areas and wildlife corridors in Chatham County. The plan will also leverage the <br />significant energies and on- the - ground protections already in place by the many public and private <br />entities participating in this project. The partners realize the existing protected areas are in danger of <br />becoming further isolated by roadways and other causes of habitat fragmentation. In the face of <br />increasing threats and environmental changes, these natural areas require protected landscape <br />corridors to maintain ecosystem functions and processes. <br />The plan will identify prioritized land parcels for preserving critical landscape corridors, <br />recommendations for how to protect the corridors, and -the entities capable of pursuing the protection <br />needed at each location. The plan will be developed by a contractor with guidance of the Steering <br />Committee. It will be presented to local government jurisdictions to facilitate their consideration of land <br />use policies and ordinances that could support the plan. The provision of GIS data a-nd technical <br />information by Steering Committee members will count toward non - federal in -kind match. <br />M <br />
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