Orange County NC Website
List the roles of local government officials, board members and staff in the project <br />What will local government officials, board members or staff do as part of your project? <br />Orange County's Land Conservation Manager will administer PGG grant funds, hire a contractor, serve <br />on the Steering Committee, convene the Policy subcommittee, and provide Orange County GIS data and <br />land -use policy /ordinance information. The project findings and recommendations will be presented to <br />the Orange County Commission for the Environment, the Orange County Planning Board, and possibly to <br />the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />Durham County's Open Space and Real Estate Manager and /or a Planning staff representative will serve <br />on the Steering Committee (and one of the subcommittees) and provide Durham County GIS data and <br />land -use policy /ordinance information. The project findings and recommendations will be presented to <br />the Durham Open Space and Trails Committee, the Durham County Planning Board, and possibly to the <br />Durham County Board of Commissioners. <br />Chatham County's representative to the Chatham Conservation Partnership will be asked to serve on <br />the Steering Committee (and one of the subcommittees), and will be asked to present the project <br />findings and recommendations to the appropriate advisory boards and commissions and possibly to the <br />Chatham County Board of Commissioners. <br />Approximate timeline <br />Provide a brief timeline of completion dates for stages of the project. All projects should start by October 1, <br />2016 and be completed by September 15, 2017 <br />October 2016 — Contractor hired. [Contractor's job will be to a) synthesize the information provided by <br />partner entities, b) facilitate bi- monthly Steering Committee meetings, c) develop the plan with input <br />and oversight by Technical and Policy subcommittees, and d) report findings to the Steering Committee <br />and local government partner entities.] <br />October 2016 — Steering Committee meeting held in conjunction with concurrent Technical and Policy <br />subcommittee meetings. <br />December 2016 — Steering Committee meeting (includes reports from the Technical and Policy <br />subcommittees). GIS data for project area compiled into one database. Current landscape <br />conservation /protection tools from each jurisdiction compiled and summarized. <br />February 2017 — Technical and Policy subcommittee meetings. <br />April 2017 — Technical and Policy subcommittee meetings. <br />June 2017 — Technical and Policy subcommittee meetings. <br />August 30, 2017 — Draft report completed for review and comments by Steering Committee. <br />September 15, 2017 — Final report submitted to NC WRC. Preparations made to present findings to <br />project partner entities (including local government staff and advisory boards). <br />3 <br />