Orange County NC Website
3) Departments shall determine the appropriate access levels which include identifying what sites, or <br />type of sites, the individual is approved to use, as well as defining capability: publish, edit, <br />comment or view only. <br />4) Only the Department Head and designated employees shall have permission to create, publish or <br />comment on behalf of a County Department. <br />5) Only the Department Head associated with a particular Social Media Site and the County Manager <br />shall have the authority to increase or decrease the access levels to the social media sites. <br />6) The ability to change account credentials shall be the responsibility of the Department Head and <br />not delegated within a Department. <br />7) Employees authorized to monitor content on social media sites shall comply with the guidelines <br />provided in Section D — Site Content. <br />8) Authorized users shall be provided a copy of the County's social media policy and are required to <br />acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of this Policy. <br />B. Approved Social Media Networks <br />1) Departments shall utilize only approved social media networks for hosting official County social <br />media sites. <br />2) County social media sites shall be used only to provide information about County Departments or <br />County related events or programs. <br />3) Social media networks under consideration will be reviewed and approved by the Chief <br />Information Officer in with consultation from County Attorney, HR and Risk Management when <br />appropriate. <br />4) For each approved social media network, usage standards will be developed and documented by <br />Information Technologies to optimize government use of the site in correlation with the County's <br />overall business mission and County Social Media Use Policy. <br />5) Chief Information Officer is responsible for maintaining the list of approved social media <br />networks and site related usage standards. <br />6) Social media networks on the approved list shall be reviewed at least bi- annually for changes to <br />terms of use agreements and /or new /expired offerings or as needed. <br />7) A Department may request review and approval of additional social media networks as needed. <br />C. Official County Social Media Sites <br />1) County Department social media sites shall be created and maintained in accordance with County <br />social network usage standards and with identifiable characteristics of an official County site. <br />2) County social media network accounts shall be created and maintained using an official County <br />email account, solely owned by the respective Department Head. <br />3) Sites shall contain visible elements that identify them as an official Orange County, North Carolina <br />site. Among other items, this includes displaying official County seals, Department brands, contact <br />information and a link to Department websites. <br />