Orange County NC Website
Mayor Madeline Rogero of Knoxville, Tennessee <br />"Clean energy jobs are some of the fastest - growing in Tennessee —nearly triple the state's overall employment <br />growth. There's opportunity in the Clean Power Plan to further accelerate job creation in energy efficiency and <br />renewable energy industries. These are the energy jobs of the future. The City of Knoxville looks forward to <br />working with state officials and utilities as they develop their plan for compliance." <br />Mayor Bill Peduto of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania <br />"The Clean Power Plan presents an opportunity to strengthen the nation's economy while enhancing and <br />preserving the environment. Pittsburgh's industrial past has helped us to understand how to prepare for and be <br />competitive in the midst of inevitable economic shifts. There are important lessons to be learned from the 'Steel <br />City' as we move into a clean energy future. The Clean Power Plan sets a framework for the country's essential <br />energy transition, acknowledging that both the climate and markets are changing. From energy efficiency and <br />optimization to finding pathways for implementation of tools such as micro -grids and district energy, cities stand <br />as key partners for their states and the federal government." <br />Councilmember David Bobzien of Reno, Nevada <br />"The Clean Power Plan supports the City of Reno's economic revitalization strategy to lead in the renewable <br />energy economy. It also supports our goals for creating a more sustainable future for our community. Nevada <br />ranks first in the country in solar and geothermal resources and is well poised for meeting and exceeding the <br />requirements of the Clean Power Plan. We are proud to join the impressive and wide ranging network of cities <br />that also view the Clean Power Plan as of major importance to their city and citizens." <br />NATIONAL The National i..eague of Cities (NLC) is the oldest and largest organization representing <br />LEAGUE municipal governments throughout the United States. Working in partnership with 49 state <br />of ITIIIF municipal leagues, NLC serves as a national advocate for more than 19,000 cities, villages, <br />and towns, representing more than 218 million Americans. Contact: Tom Martin, <br />grin nic ®orq, 202 - 626 -3186 <br />the U.S. Con Terence o Mayo. (USCM), founded in 1932, is the official nonpartisan organization of <br />W o all United States cities with a population of more than 30,000 people, which includes over 1,400 <br />cities at present. Contact: Elena Temple -Webb, etemvie0usmayo rs.or q, 202 - 861 -6719 <br />The Sabin Center at Columbia Law School develops legal techniques to fight climate change and provides <br />up -to -date resources on key topics in climate law and regulation. Contact: Michael Burger, <br />is aei® urger to ®cola ia.e u, 212 - 854 -2372 <br />