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"The rule reflects the eminently reasonable exercise of EPA's recognized statutory authority," the EPA <br />brief says. "It will achieve cost - effective [carbon dioxide] reductions from an industry that has already <br />demonstrated its ability to comply with robust pollution- control standards through the same measures and <br />flexible approaches. The rule fulfills both the letter and spirit of Congress's direction." <br />It is expected that whichever side loses in June will appeal to the Supreme Court, which in February <br />issued a stay — sending the rule back to the D.C. Circuit Court. <br />Renewable Energy Investment Outpaced Other Technologies: Study <br />Investment in renewable energy generation last year was higher than in new coal- and gas-fired power <br />plants, according to a new report from the Frankfurt School - United Nations Environment Programme <br />collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance and Bloomberg New Energy Finance <br />(BNEF). In fact, renewables added more to global energy generation capacity than all other technologies <br />combined — though they still only account for 10 percent of global electricity production. <br />"Global investment in renewables capacity hit a new record in 2015, far outpacing that in fossil fuel <br />generating capacity despite falling oil, gas, and coal prices," said Michael Liebreich, chair of the BNEF <br />advisory board. "It has broadened out to a wider and wider array of developing countries, helped by <br />sharply reduced costs and by the benefits of local power production over reliance on imported <br />commodities." <br />All investment in renewables —which includes new renewable energy capacity as well as early -stage <br />technology, research and development— totaled $286 billion in 2015. That's roughly 3 percent higher <br />than the previous record set back in 2011. <br />Countries contributing some of the most to these numbers included China, which in 2015 invested $102.9 <br />billion (a 17 percent increase from 2014), representing 36 percent of the global investment total; Chile <br />($3.4 billion, a 151 percent increase), India (510.2 billion, a 22 percent increase), Mexico ($4 billion, a <br />105 percent increase) and South Africa ($4.5 billion, a 329 percent increase). <br />The Climate Post offers a rundown of the week in climate and energy news. It is produced each Thursday by Duke <br />Universiiv's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and cross posted on the Huffington <br />Post and National Geographic NewsWatch. Like us on Eacebook, follow us on Twitter; or subscribe to <br />our YouTube channel for more updates. <br />