Orange County NC Website
POINT OF WE* CLEAN ENERGY <br />Reaping the wind. A <br />0 <br />wind,farmer9s tale <br />BY HORACE PRITCHARD <br />While wind <br />energy in <br />North Car- <br />olina is a new <br />concept, I've realized <br />firsthand how North Car- <br />olina's agriculture indust- <br />ry can benefit from part- <br />nering with the wind in- <br />dustry. <br />When the project devel- <br />opers contacted me seven <br />years ago about leasing <br />my farmland for the pro- <br />ject, I had questions about <br />the role wind energy could <br />play on our farm. <br />My family has farmed <br />corn, soybeans and wheat <br />in Pasquotank County for <br />four generations, back to <br />my great-great grand- <br />father. <br />But, as commodity <br />prices continued to fall <br />over the years, we knew <br />we had to diversify in <br />some way to protect the <br />farm. And, the few manu- <br />facturing companies that <br />have considered moving <br />here have never worked <br />out. <br />To our surprise, wind <br />caner gy an our farmland <br />has provided the financial- <br />certainty and diversity <br />that we needed. <br />To be honest, when <br />Iberdrola Renewables first <br />called us, I couldn't even <br />pronounce the name. The <br />offer to build a wind pro- <br />ject on our farmland <br />seemed like a good idea <br />up front, but could it be <br />enough to allow us to keep <br />farming? <br />To find out, I spoke with <br />another farmer in Texas <br />who had partnered with <br />Iberdrola. He only had <br />four turbines but wished <br />he could have added four <br />more. <br />For our land, Iberdrola <br />has leased it for 25 years <br />with the option to renew <br />for 25 more. Of my 1,300 <br />acres, less than one acre <br />per turbine will be used <br />for a total of nine turbines <br />when the project is fin- <br />ished. <br />. And, the people at Iber- <br />drola are doing what they <br />said they would do. They <br />were receptive to our <br />input when plotting the <br />turbines and have not <br />disrupted our farmland or <br />the neighboring communi- <br />ty of Whiteston. In fact, <br />Iberdrola rocked five <br />-61 <br />miles of dirt farm roads on <br />our farm, which we never <br />could have afforded, at no <br />cost to us or our county. <br />These roads will help our <br />family get our crops out <br />next season. <br />In total, Iberdrola will <br />have improved over 60 <br />miles of farm roads on the <br />whole project. <br />As a property owner and <br />farmer, wind makes sense <br />for our family farm, and it <br />makes sense from an eco- <br />nomic standpoint for other <br />Tier 1 counties like Pasqu- <br />otank and Perquimans. <br />North Carolina could not <br />ask for a better deal that <br />includes increased tax <br />revenues and needed <br />infrastructure at no cost to <br />us. <br />The tax revenues from <br />this wind project will <br />amount to more than <br />$250,000 per year for <br />each of the two counties <br />for the duration of the <br />25-year lease. <br />For counties like us, <br />that's a tremendous <br />amount of money. And, <br />the project will pay over <br />$600,000 per year to the <br />more than 60 landowners <br />in the two counties. Wind <br />energy has provided fi- <br />nancial certainty to our <br />family farm and rural <br />counties in eastern North <br />Carolina. <br />Horace Pritchard is a <br />landowner and past <br />chairman of the <br />Pasquotank County <br />Economic Development <br />Commission and longtime <br />member of the County <br />Board of Commissioners <br />Af <br />