Orange County NC Website
Representative Verla Insko (representing NC House District 56) <br />N.C. House of Representatives <br />300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 502 <br />Raleigh, NC 27603 -5925 <br />Verla.Insko <br />Senator Valerie P. Foushee (representing NC Senate district 23) <br />N.C. Senate <br />300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 517 <br />Raleigh, NC 27603 -5925 <br /> <br />Honorable <br />I am writing to express my great concern over a recent change in legislation that has a direct <br />impact on Orange County residents. <br />Due to recent changes in G.S.143- 215.73F (Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging and <br />Lake Maintenance Fund), cost share funds granted by the state's Aquatic Weed Control <br />Program within the NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources are <br />now available only for weed control projects within lakes. They are no longer available for <br />controlling aquatic weeds in rivers and streams <br />Unfortunately, this change in the legislation has resulted in an immediate negative impact on the <br />on -going project to manage the spread of the aquatic invasive plant Hydrilla verticillata in the <br />Eno River. Simply because the Eno River is not a lake, but instead is a flowing water body, this <br />important project to stop the spread of hydrilla within this scenic and much loved river, and State <br />Park, can no longer access state cost -share funds. <br />As you may know, aquatic weeds are a growing problem in the southeastern United States, <br />including North Carolina. I urge you to consider ways to address this situation and make cost - <br />share funds available for aquatic weed infestations in flowing water settings also. Given the <br />rapid spread and potential magnitude of the aquatic weed problem in North Carolina, limiting the <br />use of these funds does not seem to be a reasonable approach to dealing with an issue with <br />serious negative ramifications. Combatting aquatic weeds is a very important activity, with real <br />impacts on the citizens and ecosystems of North Carolina. <br />Thank you for your attention to this matter <br />Sincerely, <br />