Orange County NC Website
."H TEI., HIIA...,.NEWS April 1, 2016 <br />Chapel Hill joins defense of EPA's Clean Power Plan <br />CHAPEL HILL <br />Mayor Pam Hemminger announced Friday that the Chapel Hill Town Council has joined in support of <br />an amicus brief filed in a case in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in defense of the <br />EPA's Clean Power Plan. <br />In doing so, Chapel Hill joins more than 50 other cities and counties that believe that the Clean <br />Power Plan is a necessary legal step toward addressing the extraordinary threat posed by climate <br />change. <br />"As one of the first municipalities to participate in the 2006 Carbon Reduction Program, Chapel Hill, <br />working with our UNC- Chapel Hill and Orange County partners, has been a leader in making steady <br />progress toward reducing emissions. Signing onto this brief demonstrates our town's continued <br />commitment to environmental sustainability," Hemminger said in a statement. <br />"The Clean Power Plan provides cities across the United States with a path forward towards real <br />carbon reductions. Additionally, emphasis on increased use of renewable energy and energy <br />conservation will drive innovation and advance new energy solutions — both of which play a critical <br />role in creating a sustainable future for our town and our country. <br />"As we continue to better our town by improving air quality and accelerating cleaner solutions, we <br />hope the federal government will be able to do the same for our generation and those to come." <br />