Orange County NC Website
From: Friends of Bolin Creek [] <br />Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 <br />Friends of Bolin Creek <br />. ........ . <br />Protecting our Bolin Creek Watersbed <br />hrtp:/A,)ohncreek,org <br />Clean Up the Coal Ash Dump in Chapel Hill <br />Chapel Hill Police station, 828 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill <br />In May 2014, the Town of Chapel Hill informed the public that a <br />coal ash landfill was found to be located on the site of the Chapel <br />Hill Police Building. For more than a decade in the 1960s and '70s, <br />this property was used as a burial pit for coal ash. The coal ash in <br />this unlined landfill contains known hazardous substances, <br />including heavy metals that have leached out into the environment <br />and will continue to do so. <br />The discovery of the coal ash deposit was likely made during a <br />2013-14 review of town property launched by the staff when <br />considering the sale of town assets. The presence of the coal ash <br />waste undoubtedly complicates the decision to sell the property. <br />Whatever the town decides to do about the location of a new police <br />station, we would expect that our Town will clean up the site. <br />Chapel Hill residents deserve no less. <br />