Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />VI. CFE News Articles / Outreach — The CFE reviewed the latest news articles intended to <br />educate /inform the public about issues highlighted in the Orange County State of the <br />Environment. CFE members commented on the draft article by Cada and Davis about <br />the adequacy of fresh water supplies in Orange County. Sassaman suggested some <br />additional information be added that explains the reasons for fluctuations in total public <br />water supplies provided by the different water utilities. After further discussion, the CFE <br />decided to make no changes to the article and approved it as written. Cada suggested <br />the Water Resources Committee prepare a follow -up article that provided more details <br />about changes in the total public water supplies provided by water utilities over time. <br />Neal reported he has prepared a draft article summarizing the successful Solarize <br />Orange campaign, which resulted in many installations of rooftop solar in the county. He <br />said he sent the draft article to Brennan Bouma for initial review and edits before it is <br />sent to the full CFE for final approval. Shaw said the article should be ready in January. <br />VII. CFE Committee Priorities — CFE members reviewed a list of priority issues /projects <br />identified by each committee in 2014 -15 in anticipation of the committees meeting to <br />discuss and update the list in early 2016. <br />VIII. Updates and Information Items — Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting package; selected items were discussed: a) CFE resolution on green <br />building incentives, b) CFE memo about herbicides /pesticides used at County facilities, <br />c) CFE annual report & work plan 2015 -16, d) impact of 2015 legislation on County's <br />dev. rules, e) County exploring new ways to recycle organic waste, f) effects of "solar <br />bees" on Jordan Lake water quality, g) State clean energy mandates in jeopardy, h) <br />climate change, i) ways to reduce carbon emissions, j) Orange Co wins Smart Fleet <br />Leader award, and k) Duke Forest news. <br />IX. Adjournment — Gronback adjourned the meeting at 9:13 pm. <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff <br />3 <br />