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Attachment 1 <br />Orange County <br />Commission for the Environment <br />DRAFT Meeting Summary <br />December 14, 2015 <br />Richard Whitted Meeting Facility, Hillsborough <br />PRESENT: Lynne Gronback (Acting Chair), May Becker, Peter Cada, Loren Hintz, David <br />Neal, Jan Sassaman, Gary Saunders, Sheila Thomas -Ambat <br />ABSENT: Tom Eisenhart, Bill Newby, Jeanette O'Connor, Rebecca Ray, David Welch, <br />Lydia Wegman <br />STAFF: Rich Shaw, Tom Davis GUEST: Michael Harvey (OC Planning & Inspections) <br />I. Call to Order — Gronback called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm. <br />11. Additions or Changes to Agenda — There were none <br />111. Minutes — Gronback asked for comments on the November 9 meeting summary. Hintz <br />motioned approval as written; seconded by Saunders. Approved unanimously. <br />IV. Proposed Rule Changes for Airport Development — Michael Harvey (Current <br />Planning Supervisor, Orange Co. Planning & Inspections) presented a draft amendment <br />to the regulations governing the development of public airports and private air strips in <br />Orange County. The draft amendment was referred to the CFE, Economic Development <br />Advisory Board, and towns of Hillsborough, Chapel Hill and Carrboro for comments. <br />Harvey began by noting that some key dates in the written materials had changed. The <br />open houses that had been scheduled for December 17 and 21 were postponed until <br />spring 2016. Draft rule change won't be ready for public hearing until September 2016. <br />Harvey noted the proposed rule changes are not in anticipation of any applications to be <br />filed. The rules for airport development were one of several key issues that the Planning <br />Board chose not to address when the Unified Development Ordinance was created in <br />2009 -10. Harvey said the current rules are about 30 years old and in need of updating; <br />staff feels there is ample need to improve the standards and process for permitting <br />airports and air strips. He noted, for instance, that currently the same rules apply to both <br />private airstrips and public airports. <br />Harvey said the amendment would provide a different process and set of standards for <br />private airstrips and public airports. Private airstrips would require a special use permit <br />(SUP) and be limited to five airplanes, prohibit drones, and require hazardous materials <br />plan. Public airports would require conditional zoning, which he described as a "floating <br />district." A proposed airport district would allow for a heightened level of public review <br />than is allowed in the current SUP process. Harvey said, unlike the SUP process, the <br />general public could provide comments without having to go to the expense of obtaining <br />expert testimony. Also, the BOCC and applicant could negotiate on conditions to be <br />applied toward the airport development. <br />Harvey provided examples of key standards that would be applied to public airports, <br />such as no residential housing allowed in the district, and airports could not be sited in <br />