Orange County NC Website
4� <br />5 Specific uses shall beHmUed\uffiumeapprovadby�,hmBomndofOouin�YCommima|oners. Additloma||y. non -residero[Muses <br />are n�trlc[ed based oin the V\Iate�nshod Flrotection Oveday District in which the pioperty is located. Refi:,i to Seclk)n 4.2 <br />0ur|anduaansMr|rhono. <br />0.A||nwab|eimpemioumauMaceseo|aiion11�heVVatorshmdPmtec,ionOvodayDiebiotinwh|ch1hepropedyim|ocated <br />Refer 8oSectonA 2.0forebnaandmmnofthee||onab|eimperv|ouumu faoeavam. <br />7. Devo|opmentwithin�henondi1|ona| zoning d|athu1ahaUbeaui,�lectto MI; opp|ioab|aumo standards detailed inAtio|ee5and <br />all appkable deve|ollonen� stamdards (Jelailed within Aitkcle 6 of this Ordinance or provIde creative alteirna6ves; that meet <br />the |ntent and spirit of Hie naQu|aUons, <br />8. TheAP~CZzoning di�� U �oh� be pnuhib|�d within the Runa| Buffisr and umedaasifiomdon modanokd ondhe Fuure Land <br />Use Map nf Hire odopAad MY) Co ill pnahen Give P|an <br />Q No new dewe|opment having m significant negative impoctonexiaUng roadways, trafiinpmUemamrmurauodnoinoWe <br />pml"tLmmohm||bepenmit�dun|eamanappmpriaite and rab|aao|ution has been approved 0rm|tigate these conditione, <br />^ The purpose of the requirement isto ensure the applicant has total contm|overth*pmperty(s)thatviU <br />comprise the proposed airport facility. Our goal iotu ensure adjacent property owners do not have their <br />development rights limited (i.e. height restrictions) due to the development of an airport. <br />