Orange County NC Website
'fiaar t sr ze, rnln. (acres[ I r10rmau <br />[1II1 Fhe' AID-CZ district Vas ,,AIllntei r��o-�a�J to alllow for fIexiif:aullty C,n d� meF°q�:iionaC 'pace Ratio, ` ratlen. �u�g :a a� ecru ar 9: Y i C <br />�j <br />sl:aur +lerris. phe eveoaH develaapin'ient will lae evakmlled io ei°usue RequaiedF�ecnaaticbra @llao °m�acasii�c�arurau�u� i <br />compatibility wish a,iwuu°rr.aciIHIding lomr,ap el-Ues and 4di t9are�, :b policies aand StG aac�e IRatre, ruurra. � g �� <br />olla�[ecbveaa of 96s Ddkiance. Slpec rfrc srte desrcgn slandaids shall <br />omccrtpor td kft the Planning Lepartrneini approved &te Man. ye° aAr;c C "ecsstrer; <br />No r°aaqav lu einent [I � <br />Laurdscap e RaHol ru °uinl <br />1. Ararrrtaaiitronsrfor the AP -CZ rlstrict. shall be accepted c�My for Ilaaai,colis vuu�lh�r, Orec,l: �I�u��ontaaaga�� arum access from a State <br />2 <br />roadway <br />2. Ibca@enHal uses shall be estfrc,l(cd to, li ,pcad as prannr tirkcl fcru.a IE,' lagb..GZ p.Y�,,,idrft iii Ser;P nn 5,2 3, <br />I All madways c:levc;Rc:eped wf huar the AIIFu.. CZ dish' cat s haH i:ac des gnod and c onskra.uu' eiJ to the public reswJ I:macra,u�aent standards <br />3 <br />as defined by the Norgm a aaCna Deraubmaa of rranssarlatieoa. <br />I. Typically when an airport is developed local land use regulations restrict adjacent development to protect the <br />airport operation. From our standpoint what we are attempting to do is require the exact opposite, specifically an <br />airport should not create a significant impact on adjacent property owners use of their property. <br />2 Staff wants to ensure adequate access to a proposed airport facility by requiring frontage on a public road. <br />3 This is being recommended to ensure roadways can handle heavy equipment and emergency vehicles. <br />