Orange County NC Website
Summary of Inter- Agency Meeting to Discuss Potential Community Forum on Energy <br />Meeting Date: August 4, 2015 <br />Page 2 <br />Discussion of the Forum Concept <br />Participants agreed that a community forum on energy could be useful; however, strong "curb <br />appeal" is needed to generate a high level of public participation. Randy Dodd said that Carrboro <br />held a series of three community meetings relating to energy and climate, and that the turnout <br />ranged from about 15 to 40 people. A lot of time and effort went into planning, organizing, and <br />holding those meetings. <br />After much discussion the group agreed that the real opportunity here is to work together "to do <br />something awesome" in Orange County. The group agreed that partner agencies would meet <br />again to begin identifying and evaluating opportunities for collaboration, from which one or <br />more community forums would evolve. <br />Potential Strategies for Collaboration <br />1. Bring in technical experts to evaluate technologies, benefits and costs, etc. for a project <br />such as installing solar power systems at partner agency facilities /properties. Chapel Hill <br />is in the early stages of considering issuing a request for qualifications for consulting <br />services for an evaluation of Town facilities. Jesse and John will share more details on <br />this with the group at the next meeting. <br />2. Evaluate alternatives to beneficially reuse all of the biogas generated at OWASA's <br />Mason Farm Wastewater Treatment Plant. This would include evaluating strategies to <br />increase biogas production by working together to divert food waste, fats, oil, and grease, <br />and /or other high strength wastes to the plant. One or more partner agencies could <br />consider providing funding support if needed to enable OWASA to move ahead with <br />such a project. OWASA staff believes that it may be eligible to receive a 20 -year, no- <br />interest loan from the State Clean Water State Revolving Fund for such a project. <br />Develop joint strategies for making energy and water conservation an important part of <br />our respective agency's culture, and our community's culture. We need to better inform <br />and engage our employees, residents, businesses, students, etc. in efforts to reduce energy <br />and water use, and carbon emissions. <br />4. Consider "crowdfunding" or other innovative approaches as a way to raise funding for <br />renewable energy projects. <br />Next Steps <br />OWASA will draft a meeting summary and distribute that for review and comment by <br />meeting participants. The final summary will incorporate any comments received. <br />2. OWASA will issue a poll determine the best date and time for the next meeting, which <br />would likely be in September. Considering the regular meeting schedules of local <br />