Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />other. O'Connor suggested that some of the articles also be translated into Spanish. <br />Sassaman, Hintz, and Ray noted that some of the church and civic organizations might <br />be willing to help spread the information to their members. Sassaman said the Interfaith <br />Council is one such organization that operates in southern Orange County. <br />Staff was asked to find out whether the County's IT department can formulate web <br />information for mobile devices. Also, to find out if there is an opportunity to include <br />information as inserts in the County tax information that is sent to households and <br />businesses in January and September. Thomas -Ambat also suggested looking at the <br />public water /sewer utility bills from OWASA and the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Sassaman asked Wegman to work with staff and members of each committee to ide <br />the initial topics for the CFE to focus on for this public outreach effort. <br />VII. Updates and Information Items — Information on the following subjects was provided <br />and selected items were summarized by staff: a) County to purchase roll carts for rural <br />recycling, b) prospects for fracking in NC, c) coal ash toxicity, d) relative rates of ozone <br />production by different car types, e) The Nature of Orange photo contest 2015, and f) <br />OWASA's consideration of ending its program of applying biosolids to farmland. <br />VIII. Adjournment — Niezgoda motioned to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Wegman. The <br />motion was approved unanimously. Sassaman adjourned at approximately 9:15 pm. <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff <br />3 <br />