Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />Weqman reported she had spoken with Mark Schultz, editor of the Chapel Hill News, <br />about including the CFE's series of articles in his newspaper. She said Schultz is willing <br />to publish articles of 550 to 600 words. Shaw said the News of Orange County will also <br />include the articles, but he is not yet sure of the length. Shaw will report back on this. <br />Before breaking out into the committees, Sassaman asked Shaw if there was anything <br />particularly noteworthy to discuss from the update and information items. <br />IX. Updates and Information Items — Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting package: a) Earth Evening (April 24), b) County delivers recycling roll cars <br />to rural service, c) County to install additional electric vehicle charging stations, d) <br />Hillsborough historic district eases process for solar panels, e) Leaks persist at coal ash <br />ponds, f) OWASA annual report to Orange County, g) NC Botanical Garden hires new <br />director, h) covering parking lots with solar panels, i) the social cost of carbon due to <br />climate change, and j) cities setting targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. <br />Shaw asked CFE members to consider helping with the County's Earth Evening event to <br />be held on April 24 at River Park in Hillsborough. <br />VIII. Committee Meetings - Sassaman asked members to break into committees to identify <br />its initial topic and who will prepare the draft article. Each of the standing committees <br />met for about 20 minutes. <br />X. Adjournment — Sassaman adjourned at approximately 9:15 pm. <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff <br />3 <br />