Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />VII. Updates and Information Items — Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting package; selected items were discussed: a) CFE comments on draft <br />changes to impervious surface rules, b) herbicide used to control hydrilla in the Eno <br />River, c) electric vehicle fast charger station installed in Hillsborough, d) electric vehicle <br />workshop (June 18), e) a CFE news article (Why Plant Natives ?), f) What we can do to <br />protect bees, g) fracking having a difficult start in NC, h) a second solar array planned for <br />White Cross community, i) NC Forest Service in Orange County — 2014 Annual Report, <br />j) Court denies challenges to EPA's ozone designations, and k) Duke Forest stewardship <br />and sustainability tour (June 27). <br />Shaw reported that he sent the CFE comments on the proposed impervious surface rule <br />change to Michael Harvey in the Planning and Inspections Department. Eleven CFE <br />members had voted in favor of the comments via email; there were no objections. <br />Bouma reported that the Chapel Hill Environmental Stewardship Advisory Board is <br />developing a proposed Green Restaurant Challenge and may want to collaborate with <br />the CFE. He said he could contact a member of the board to see whether they would <br />like to present the idea to the CFE. CFE members agreed with that. <br />Bouma suggested that in addition to sending memoranda to the BOCC it might be <br />helpful if a CFE representative addressed the BOCC during the public comment portion <br />of its meeting agenda. Wegman offered to attend the June 16 meeting to call BOCC <br />members attention to the CFE memorandum pertaining to the 2016 bond package. CFE <br />members agreed and thanked Wegman for doing that. <br />VI 11. Adjournment — Sassaman adjourned at approximately 9:02 pm. <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff <br />3 <br />