CFE agenda 060815
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 060815
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3/2/2018 10:07:26 AM
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3/2/2018 10:05:37 AM
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CFE minutes 060815
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Commission for the Environment\Minutes\2015
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(Attachment B to Board-Approved Energy Management Plan Project Charter) <br />Proposed Community Engagement Plan <br />for Energy Management Plan Project <br />Purpose <br />The Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) is developing an Energy Management Plan <br />(EMP) to provide strategic direction for OWASA's energy management, energy efficiency, and <br />renewable energy decisions, actions, and investments. The EMP will document our goals and <br />objectives (including targets), and ongoing strategies for: managing and conserving energy and <br />related costs; increasing energy security and reliability; using renewable energy; and reducing our <br />greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). <br />Our customers and the community we serve will be affected by and interested in our energy <br />management efforts, decisions, and investments. Therefore, it is important that we provide <br />stakeholders (a) timely information about the project, our efforts, and the strategies and <br />investments we are considering, and (b) meaningful opportunities for them to have input in and <br />provide feedback regarding this effort. The intent of this Community Engagement Plan is to <br />describe our planned approach to achieve that. <br />The format and content of this plan follow the Community Engagement Guidelines approved by <br />the OWASA Board of Directors in November 2014. <br />Outcomes/Obiectives <br />1. Provide timely and clear information to stakeholders about our energy use and energy <br />management efforts; what is proposed; how they might be affected; costs and benefits of <br />strategies we are considering; how they might be affected; how they can participate in and <br />provide comments on this effort; etc. <br />2. Seek stakeholder feedback and questions so that we can better understand their interest <br />in, perspectives, and expectations regarding our energy management efforts. <br />3. Engage stakeholders in a dialogue by receiving and responding to their comments and <br />questions, and providing additional information as needed. <br />4. Encourage action by our customers and other stakeholders where applicable, by <br />empowering them with information about topics such as how their water conserving <br />actions can help us reduce the amount of energy we use to meet their water demands. <br />5. Raise the awareness level of employees and gain their support for the plan, as well- <br />informed and supportive employees will be key to the success of the program. Involving <br />employees will show that their opinions count, that they have a say in how things work, <br />and that they are valued members of our team. <br />6. Gain support and buy-in for our efforts, and gain the trust of stakeholders, including <br />public officials. <br />7. Evaluate the effectiveness of our engagement efforts for this project through informal <br />surveys of stakeholders, and through Board and staff reviews. <br />I <br />am <br />
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