CFE agenda 060815
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 060815
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3/2/2018 10:07:26 AM
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3/2/2018 10:05:37 AM
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CFE minutes 060815
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Commission for the Environment\Minutes\2015
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(Attachment B to Board - Approved Energy Management Plan Project Charter) <br />Key Information <br />The following information will be provided to stakeholders as part of this engagement effort: <br />a. What is proposed? Development of an Energy Management Plan to increase the <br />sustainability of our facilities and operations and reduce GHGs. <br />b. Who would be affected? OWASA customers may be affected depending on the cost to <br />implement the future recommendations and the associated savings OWASA may achieve. <br />There would be broad societal benefits associated with long -term reductions in GHGs. <br />c. What are the expected advantages and disadvantages (non financial and financial) of <br />alternative courses of action? This will be developed as the technical work proceeds. <br />d. What is the timetable for the project and stakeholder participation? The draft Plan is <br />scheduled to be completed in Fiscal Year 2416. <br />e. What opportunities will stakeholders have to participate and let us know what they are <br />thinking? They will be able to offer comments, questions, and suggestions throughout all <br />phases of the project. <br />f. How can stakeholders get more information and be placed on the list to receive project <br />updates, information and draft reports, meeting notices, etc. ? Interested stakeholders can <br />contact us by phone or e -mail to be placed on our distribution list. They can also visit our <br />project webpage (to be developed) <br />Approach <br />Our communications approach includes multiple activities to inform and engage stakeholders <br />throughout the project, and to evaluate the success of our engagement effort. We believe the <br />proposed activities described below will be cost - effective and appropriate considering the level <br />of staff effort required to support this engagement effort and the scope and importance of the <br />Energy Management Plan project. <br />Four core strategies that will be common to our information, engagement, and evaluation efforts <br />are: <br />1. Establish and publicize an energy management plan project webpage to convey <br />information about the project; enable interested stakeholders to submit their questions, <br />comments, and suggestions on -line. <br />2. Establish an e-mail distribution list that helps us convey project information and public <br />participation opportunities to stakeholders in a timely and efficient way (through our <br />Constant Contacts service). <br />3. Include informal surveys and feedback opportunities as a feature of our project website, <br />public meetings on the project, presentations to stakeholder groups; etc. <br />4. Establish an informal technical advisory committee (TAC) to provide high -level technical <br />input throughout the project. This will enable other professionals to share best practices in <br />energy management as well as resources and successful methods they have used. The <br />committee will include, but not be limited to, energy and sustainability managers from <br />local public agencies (several local staff have agreed to participate on the proposed TAC). <br />to <br />
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