Orange County NC Website
<br />requirements outlined in the "Guidelines for Preparation of Archaeological Survey <br />Reports," prepared by the NC Office of State Archaeology. <br />Two copies of a draft of the final report shall be submitted to Orange County for review <br />and comment at least one week in advance of the final submittal deadline. Following <br />that review, the Contractor shall make any required changes and submit four copies of <br />the revised final report to Orange County by September 15, 2006. The Contractor shall <br />also submit to Orange County copies of all field maps delineating the subsurface test. <br />grid and the location of all archaeological and above ground sites, and copies of all <br />recorded survey sites including copies of black and white photographs. <br />III. Cost <br />Consultants submitting a proposal must provide a lump sum bid for the project, with cost <br />break outs cited for the following project components, Background Research (Section-A); <br />Limited Surface and Possible Subsurface Investigation in Potential Construction Areas <br />(Section II-B); Field Reconnaissance for Remainder of the Property (Section II-C); and <br />Reporting (Section II-D). <br />IV. Project Schedule <br />Orange County will negotiate the exact project schedule with the successful consultant. <br />For purposes of resource planning, however, it may be helpful to know that the successful <br />consultant will need to provide to Orange County a Preliminary Field Report by <br />September 8, 2006, with Final Report submittal no later than September 15, 2006. <br />V. Notice to Proceed <br />The contractor will not begin any work on the project until issuance of a Notice to <br />Proceed from Orange County. <br />The County anticipates approval of this contract by the Board of County Commissioners <br />on Auqust 22, 2006 and a Notice to Proceed Issued shortly thereafter. <br />VI. Business Interests <br />A. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide proof of insurance purchased from an <br />insurance company authorized to write casualty insurance in the State of North Carolina <br />the following limits of insurance: <br />1. Worker's Compensation Insurance -Worker's Compensation insurance as. <br />required by law for all of the Contractor's employees. The Contractor shall also <br />require his subcontractors to provide Worker's Compensation for all of the <br />tatter's employees, unless the Contractor affords protection'to such employees. <br />2. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance -Comprehensive General Liability. <br />Insurance shall be carried in the following amounts: $500,000 bodily injury each <br />person, $300,000 property damage. <br />3. Automobile Liability Insurance -Automobile Liability Insurance shall be carried in <br />the following limits: $300,000 bodily injury each person, $500,000 bodily injury <br />each accident, $300,000 property liability. Automobile Liability Insurance shall <br />4 <br />