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<br />intensive subsurface shovel test pits (STPs) only in specific concentrated areas. The <br />number of STPs shall be of the Contractor's choosing, but should be sufficient to <br />determine the cultural and archaeological significance of the site(s) and to document the <br />site(s) with state survey forms. <br />C. Field Reconnaissance for Remainder of Property <br />A limited field investigation should be conducted for the rest of the park property where <br />no construction is planned other than trails and other passive activities (shown as Areas <br />3 & 4 on Figure 3). The Contractor shall use the field reconnaissance to identify any <br />areas that appear to be worthy of further investigation and to report such information to <br />Orange County. The Contractor shall document any sites discovered during the field <br />reconnaissance using state site and cemetery forms as appropriate of all above ground <br />structures, including burial grounds or cemeteries. The field methods and techniques <br />used shall be of the Contractor's choosing, but should reflect a thorough working <br />knowledge of contemporary archaeological methods and techniques. <br />The field investigation shall be of a nature sufficient to accomplish the following goals: <br />1. Make recommendations on the potential need for further survey, <br />2. Locate and identify sites that may have archaeological or historic significance, <br />and <br />3. Evaluate the archaeological significance of any such sites. <br />Based on this limited field investigation, Orange County will discuss with the Contractor <br />whether there are areas that may warrant a more intensive surface and subsurface <br />investigation. For instance, once specific locations are determined for construction of <br />.park facilities, we may decide to follow up this project with a systematic shovel testing <br />program based on a 30-meter, or similar, grid pattern across the areas of the property <br />that have been identified as potentially significant. Contract pricing for this will be <br />negotiated with the successful bidder in the eventuality the work is ordered. <br />D. Reporting of Results <br />The Contractor shall give regular (bi-weekly) verbal reports to the Orange County during <br />the course of the project. <br />In order to facilitate the effective use of survey findings, the final report must be <br />completed and submitted to Orange County in final form no later than Frida <br />September 15, 2006. Approximately midway through the project (specific dates to be <br />included in contract), the successful Contractor will provide Orange County with a <br />Preliminary Field Report of the findings to date, status of the survey (research and field <br />work). The contractor shall also, at this time, be prepared to conduct a short <br />presentation (15-20 minutes) to the Orange County staff working on the project, <br />depending on the findings. <br />The final report shall provide overviews of those portions of prehistory and history that <br />are relevant to this portion of the Chapel Hill community, set within the broader context <br />of Orange County and the Southeast. The report will also include detailed maps of any <br />former locations of roads, historic structures, and any significant landscape alterations <br />associated with those historic structures. The final report shall generally satisfy <br />3 <br />