Orange County NC Website
7 <br />II. Description of Work <br />The County is requesting a cultural and archaeological survey for use in designing the <br />Southern Human Services Campus on Homestead Road in Chapel Hill. For the <br />purposes of this project, County staff has divided the property into four main areas for <br />evaluation. (See Figure 3 -Southern Human Services Campus Tract Areas for <br />Evaluation.) <br />1) Area 1 (approximately 12 acres) includes portions of the site that may be <br />significantly disturbed for the construction of new facilities-one or more <br />buildings and their associated driveways and parking areas. Work in Area 1 <br />should include a full Surface and Subsurface Investigation to locate and evaluate <br />the probable significance and extent of any archaeological or historically <br />significant remains in this area and to avoid any damage of cultural resources by <br />the proposed development. <br />2) Area 2 (approximately 4 acres) includes the portion of the site currently under <br />construction for the Southern Orange Senior Center. Work in this area should be <br />limited unless preliminary research reveals a compelling reason to suspect an <br />important cultural and/or archaeological find. <br />3) Areas 3 & 4 (approximately 18 acres) includes the remaining portions of the site <br />including the natural areas, likely to be used for low-impact recreation or open <br />space, and the existing building complexes. Work in these areas should include <br />a reconnaissance-level survey to identify any areas that appear to merit <br />additional investigation. <br />The survey will be comprised of the following principal components: (a) background <br />research, (b) a surface and possible subsurface investigation of the area (Area 1 & <br />possibly 2) proposed for facilities construction, (c) a limited field reconnaissance of the <br />remainder of the property (Areas 3 & 4), and (d) a reporting of results. These <br />components are described as follows: <br />A. Background Research <br />Prior to the initiation of the field investigations the Contractor shall undertake <br />background research sufficient to acquire a working familiarity with. the natural and <br />cultural resources in the study area and to locate any previously recorded historical or <br />archaeologically significant sites on the property, including former roads, historic <br />structures, and any significant landscape alterations associated with those historic <br />structures. The North Carolina Division of Archives and History (Office of State <br />Archaeology) should be contacted to determine whether there are any such recorded <br />sites, and to reference existing architectural and archaeological .survey files. Other <br />resources should include, but not be limited to An Inventory of Cultural, Historical, <br />Recreational Biological, and Geological Significance in the Unincorporated Portions of <br />Orange County, the Historic Preservation Element of the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan and ERCD staff research files. <br />B. Surface and Subsurface Investigation of Potential Construction Areas <br />The Contractor should perform surface and possible subsurface investigation in <br />potential construction areas (shown as Area 1 on Figure 3). The amount of subsurface <br />excavation will depend on the results of initial surface investigation, and may require <br />2 <br />