Orange County NC Website
ca <br />cover liability arising out of the use of owned, non-owned and hired motor <br />vehicles. <br />The cost of all insurance shall be included in the bid submitted. <br />Proof of insurance must be submitted with the contract at the time of execution by the <br />successful consultant. Insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect until the <br />contract has been fully and completely performed, as evidenced by final acceptance <br />payment. Certificates of Insurance submitted with contract shall provide for a thirty (30) <br />day written notice to the County in the event of any modifications, cancellation, or <br />expiration of said policies. <br />Orange County must be included as an additional named insured as their interests may <br />appear in this agreement. <br />B. Contract Form. The successful consultant will be expected to execute slump-sum <br />project contract. <br />C. Progress Payments. Orange County will entertain requests for progress payment <br />at completion of milestones in the project, as agreed to between Orange County <br />(Purchasing and Central Services Department) and the successful consultant. <br />VII. Fiscal Responsibility <br />The Contractor shall maintain for a period of two years a full and accurate record of all <br />expenditures, and shall make it available to Orange County for review upon request. <br />VIII. Curatorial Responsibilities <br />The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for the storage and curation of <br />all records and materials recovered during the survey. Any arrangements by the <br />Contractor must receive prior approval from the N.C. Office of State Archaeology. <br />IX. Human Skeletal Remains <br />Any human skeletal remains encountered during the investigations shall be treated <br />according to the provisions of the N.C. General Statutes, Chapter 70, Article 3. <br />X. Consultant Selection/Qualifications <br />Consultants or consulting firms will be evaluated in part on the basis of the following <br />criteria: <br />The person/firm has performed satisfactorily on previous archaeological surveys <br />as indicated by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of <br />Archives and History, Office of State Archaeology. Firms/persons who have <br />previously completed archaeological surveys and National Register Nominations <br />for archaeological sites or historic districts are preferred; <br />2. The person/firm demonstrates a professional writing capability with a style of high <br />quality that is suitable for publication; <br />5 <br />