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3 <br />Administration and the Planning Board Chair discussed meeting facilitation to some length and <br />are in agreement that the County should seek the assistance of a consultant to aid in the <br />facilitation of a few of the meetings to be conducted as part of the Update Process. <br />Administration will continue to research and develop specific ideas regarding facilitation, which <br />can be shared with the Planning Board as they "Develop Plan Framework and Guidelines" and <br />are brought forward to the BOCC at a later date. <br />RELATION TO BOCC PRIORITIES:. At the work session on September 14, the BOCC <br />discussed previously identified priorities and directed staff to proceed and develop a set of <br />written goal statements and timelines associated with its top priorities for the remainder of 2006. <br />The six emerging issues the BOCC considered as its top priorities, in no rank order, included <br />"Continuation of the process for updating the County's comprehensive land use plan and related <br />elements." This agenda abstract and its attachments constitute a major step in the act of <br />moving forward with one priority issue before the BOCC in this calendar year. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no immediate financial impact associated with the discussion of. <br />the draft Update Process. Staff will continue to assess requirements for any additional costs or <br />staff resources that may be necessary to carry out the top priorities of the Board. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />• Receive the presentation; <br />® Adopt the proposed Plan Update Process, Roles, or Timetable as provided, or with any <br />modifications, as the Board may desire; and <br />® Direct County management to pursue the approved Plan Update Process, Roles, and <br />Timelines in recognition of its priority status as authorized by the Board. <br />