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<br />Attachment 1 is a copy of the Program Transition Worksheet that accompanied this item on the <br />June budget work session agenda. Based on OPC/MME calculations and overall request for <br />supplemental assistance, the County anticipated the need to reserve up to $66,663 for the . <br />planned divestiture (transfer) of the OPC Club Nova within FY2005-06. This amount is the <br />equivalent of one. month's operating expense. Club Nova also secured a $75,000 grant through <br />the General Assembly to support its transition process. <br />OPC management has recommended and the OPC/LME Board has authorized negotiation of a <br />contract award to Club Nova Community, Inc. Club Nova Community, Inc. is a nonprofit <br />established by the previous Club Nava advisory board along with program staff and consumers <br />to carry forward the services and support features of the clubhouse located in Carrboro. In order <br />to facilitate the organizational transfer, OPC/t_ME management requests release of the one-time <br />County funding in an amount actually less than earlier estimated as described in the attached <br />correspondence. OPC/t_ME as the contracting authority will be the transfer agent to provide the <br />additional BOCC funding to the new entity. Attachment 2 is the formal letter of request for the <br />supplemental funding from OPC/t_ME. <br />New Developments <br />Alongside divestiture; Club Nova Community, Inc. has -like other prospective providers of OPC <br />services -had to address the advent of new service level definitions and reimbursement rates <br />from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid. As a result of increased budgetary uncertainties, <br />the Club Nova Community, Inc. board and staff met with Chair Jacobs, Vice Chair Halkiotis, and <br />county management to present its concerns and request for additional funding assistance, <br />above and beyond the supplemental funds previously reserved, to support the new non-profit <br />during its first year of operating independently of OPC. County staff has since met with OPC <br />financial and program managers, and with Club Nova Community, Inc. board and staff to refine <br />their budgetary needs and craft a reasonable proposed solution for consideration by the BOCC. <br />The proposed solution, agreed upon by the parties, is to request that the BOCC consider <br />approving as part of the Manager's recommended budget for FY06-07 budget an additional <br />$80,000 to OPC for transmittal to Club Nova Community lnc The majority of these additional <br />funds will be used to continue and make available psychosocial rehabilitation services to <br />Clubhouse clients who also require a higher level of service through the separate Assertive <br />Community Treatment Team (ACTT) provider. These are the clients needing the highest level of <br />community and social support and who are most at risk for being re-hospitalized. The additional <br />County funds will also allow the purchase of essential office and computer equipment required <br />to establish an administrative unit to handle the business functions of Club Nova previously <br />provided internally through OPC at its headquarters. <br />Club Nova Community, Inc. board and staff also understand, as explained by OPC staff, that a <br />portion of the County's annual continuation of effort allocation (approximately $100,000, or the <br />same amount as in-this current fiscal year) will be reserved by OPC.internally for distribution to <br />Club Nova in FY06-07. <br />The board and staff expressed its gratitude to the County, support for this proposal, and greater <br />confidence that the first year of independent operations could progress smoothly. They did; <br />however, wish to reserve the right to keep the BOCC apprised and, if absolutely necessary, <br />return to re-visit the financial situation during the upcoming budget year. <br />