Orange County NC Website
O <br />Mr. John M. Link, Jr. - 2 - February 9, 2006 <br />Orange County was trained by NCACC and given access to Manager Self Service (MSS}. MSS gives the <br />Human Resources Department at each member County a portal into our eligibility system to make <br />changes, .terminate, and add employees and dependents. Should your staff wish it, we are more than <br />happy to schedule a refresher on MSS. <br />Our consultant on the benefits transition, Mercer, is working on a drug formulary comparison between <br />Merck and Caremark. However, we do not expect too much division of placement of. drugs between the <br />two formularies. The Pool's intention is to replicate the plan designs currently in place with Merck, so <br />there is as little disruption as possible. The crucial reason we chose to move the Pharmacy Benefits <br />Manager (PBM) to Caremark is so the Pool can receive better rebates, improve plan design flexibility and <br />provide a more attractive mail order program. <br />I understand there may be some concern about transitioning employees from BCBS disease management <br />programs to those offered by Cigna. CIGNA does not have the same exact programs or employ the same <br />techniques as BCBS. However, there are several programs that are similar, such as smoking cessation, <br />heart disease and prenatal care. Currently, neither the Pool nor Orange County has a high number of <br />employees participating in the BCBS disease management programs, so their efficacy is tough to <br />measure. CIGNA's programs are "opt out" programs, so the employee is automatically enrolled in a <br />pertinent program unless they have themselves removed. The CIGNA nurse call center frequently <br />reaches out to employees to monitor their progress and compliance. As a result, we believe disease <br />management will significantly improve under CIGNA. It is the Pool's intention to encourage more <br />employees to participate in managing their illnesses and improving their health,. and we are confident <br />CIGNA is the best partner to help us achieve this goal. <br />The Group Benefits, Pool and Cigna are happy to work with Orange County by providing a letter the <br />County may use for employee packets, if it is arranged ahead of time. In addition, our Board of Trustees <br />is provided with an update on the transition every quarter. We will provide you with copies of these <br />updates so you can stay current on the transition. <br />If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact NCACC Director of Customer Service <br />Carolyn Meiners at 919-719-1111. The NCACC has enjoyed along-standing relationship with Orange <br />County, and we look forward to continuing that relationship for many years to come. <br />Sincerely, <br />} C~4 <br />. r ~ ~/ <br />David F. Thompson <br />Executive Director <br />cc: Susan W. Klalcoff, NCACC Assistant Executive Director of Risk Management <br />Michelle Love, NCACC Marketing Representative . <br />r '~ '"~ <br />S <br />~~~. <br />Tc~ 1~ = ~ G ~• s S <br /> <br />