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Page 2 of 2 <br />ad <br />Healthy Rewards <br />For more information on the vision discount program through CIGNA's Healthy Rewards program, please call <br />CIGNA member services at 1-566-622-2288, or you can log onto The CIGNA Healthy <br />Rewards Discount program includes discounts on lens, frames ,and non-disposable contacts. Once you have <br />registered and signed in, click on the Health Resources/Web MD link at the top of the page. Near the bottom of <br />the next webpage is the information on Healthy Reward Discount programs. Click on the drop down box and <br />select Vision and Hearing Care to see the discounts and search for Healthy Rewards discount vision providers. <br />The. discount program is very simple. All you have to do is show your CIGNA ID card and ask for the Healthy <br />Rewards discount. There is no claim to be filed by you or the provider. Your ID card is your "savings" card at <br />these Healthy Rewards providers. Remember, just because a provider offers a substantial discount on hardware, <br />that doesn't mean it is the best deal. When in doubt, ask your chosen provider about discounts available to you as <br />a patient. The discounts offered through Healthy Rewards are different than the cost of the eye exam benefit. <br />Determining benefits: You or your provider can call CIGNA at 1-866-622-2288 to confirm the routine vision <br />benefit. Once the provider verifies this information, they usually collect only the amount of the routine vision <br />deductible. However, if they ask you to pay the full amount, please file the claim with CIGNA to be reimbursed <br />for the claim minus the deductible amount. <br />In-network providers: If your provider is part of CIGNA's Open Access Plus network, they are required to file <br />the claim on your behalf. You will get an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) showing the amount of the bill, what is <br />paid and what is due by you: What is due by you should be the same as the routine vision deductible on your <br />employee benefit summary. After you receive the EOB, if you have paid more to this CIGNA provider (i.e. the <br />specialist copay amount) than the routine vision deductible, call the provider to be reimbursed the difference. <br />Out-of-network providers: If your provider is not part of CIGNA'S Open Access Plus network, they will most <br />likely make you pay the bill in full. You will then submit a claim to CIGNA to get reimbursed for the amount that <br />is more than the routine vision deductible. CIGNA claim forms are available in the Administrative Manual <br />provided to your Human Resources department or on <br />Specialists: If you choose to go to an ophthalmologist or optometrist that is listed under specialists in the CIGNA <br />Open Access Plus Only online or paper directory, they may charge the specialist copay listed on your ID card. <br />9/27/2006 <br />