Orange County NC Website
effective July 1, 2006. On February 6, 2006, the NCACC Executive Director responded to the <br />Manager's letter stating that CIGNA had agreed to honor all of the current plan <br />designs used by Orange County members and that current benefits of member employees <br />received would remain the same (Attachment 1). With this commitment in place, the County <br />proceeded to partner with NCACC and CIGNA to prepare employees for the transition. On <br />March 24, 2006, employees were notified of 22 sessions at various locations in the County <br />where representatives from CIGNA and NCACC would provide an overview of the transition <br />process (Attachment 2). In addition, full information packets from CIGNA were mailed to <br />employees' homes, and were available in the Personnel Department by late May. <br />Post-CIGNA Transition Actions <br />After the July 1, 2006 transition to CIGNA, the Personnel Department identified and reported to <br />the Manager the initial problems that Orange County employees, retirees and their dependents <br />were experiencing utilizing their health and pharmacy benefits.. On July 27, 2006, the Manager <br />addressed his deep concern over the problems encountered during the transition to CIGNA <br />(Attachment 3). On August 10, 2006, the NCACC Executive Director addressed those <br />concerns and provided an information attachment on "What's Enhanced/What's Different" <br />(Attachment 4). The senior management team was provided a copy of the NCACC's letter and <br />on August 23, 2006, the Benefits Manager and HR Director met with the employee consortium <br />to hear their concerns and provide them with an update on the transition. During that meeting <br />the number one reported concern related to vision care. A subsequent meeting with <br />department heads to update them on the transition revealed the same concern. A meeting was <br />coordinated with NCACC and CIGNA to address the issue of vision care, and, on September <br />21, 2006, an email was sent to all employees with the NCACC response to vision benefits <br />concerns (Attachment 5). During the first 90 days of the transition from BCBSNC to CIGNA, <br />there has been a determined effort to address and resolve employee health benefit concerns <br />and problems resulting from the transition. During this initial period, the Personnel Department <br />met with Department Heads, the Employee Consortium and individual employees to identify <br />and resolve any outstanding health benefit related issues. <br />Finally, several requests had been made in July and August for NCACC to provide the <br />Personnel Department with the renewal rate quotation. The NCACC believed that the rate was <br />normally not provided until October. This was incorrect. The renewal rate quotation was <br />provided only after a meeting in which the Personnel Department provided historical <br />documentation to show that the rate had been provided in early September. This abstract is <br />submitted for the October 3, 2006 consent agenda to keep us on administrative track in <br />developing benefits packets for the October 20, 2006 -November 3, 2006 Open Enrollment. <br />Current Status <br />The County has received a renewal rate quotation for employee health insurance effective. <br />January 1, 2007. The renewal rates quoted by the NCACC Health Insurance Trust represent a <br />1.9 percent increase. The budget outlined for the 2006 plan year is based on a 16.0 percent <br />increase in expenditures. The Manager recommends that the Board approve the renewal of the <br />County's contract for health insurance coverage with the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners Health Insurance Trust, and that the Health Insurance Budget for the 2006 plan <br />year be adjusted to 1.9 percent. Additional information is provided below. <br />