Orange County NC Website
Page 1 of 2 <br />~I ~ i~~1 z~~icw~ ~i <br />Tyrone Jackson ~ ~ <br />From: Tyrone Jackson <br />Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:25 PM <br />To:. Everyone <br />Cc: 'Michelle Love' <br />Subject: From The HR Director -Vision Benefits <br />Team: <br />Your representatives on the Employee Consortium and your Management Team have raised the <br />questions that you presented to them concerning your vision benefits under the NCACC County Health <br />Plan and CIGNA. Your Benefits Manager, Michael Edmonds and I have met with representatives from the <br />NCACC and CIGNA to address your concerns. Michelle Love from the NCACC has been attentive to all <br />the issues that we have presented concerning the transition from BCBSNC to CIGNA and has provided <br />the below information in regards to your vision benefits. <br />We are diligently working in partnership with the NCACC and CIGNA to resolve any issues you may <br />encounter during this transition period. It is important that you first call CIGNA customer service at 1- <br />866-622-2288 with questions concerning your health care benefits under CIGNA. Trained personnel are in <br />place to assist you and your call will enable CIGNA to .track the types of customer inquiries received and <br />the actions taken to address them. 1 also encourage you to log on to "" for valuable . <br />information concerning your benefits under CIGNA. <br />If for any reason your concerns are not addressed by contacting CIGNA customer service then call <br />Michael Edmonds at 245-2558 or Gwen Capers at 245-2550, and yes feel free to contact me at 245-2552. <br />Have a great day! <br />Tyrone <br />..~. .- <br />(~ f~. T Ei ~ ~~ It. C t, g: LET A <br />~c~~a}ti't t+o~ o~ C+~ ~ Cc~~~tts~i~~lrt~ <br />County Health Plan Vision Benefits Explanation <br />Vision Benefits <br />The NCACC County Health Plan and CIGNA want to provide you with information about your vision benefit and <br />how your benefits have been enhanced. Your plan covers one routine vision exam per contract policy year. Under <br />the County Health Plan, this benefit is covered at the same cost to you as it was when BCBSNC served as the <br />County Health Plan's claims administrator. (If your medical plan also includes "lens and frames" coverage, this <br />benefit mirrors what you had with BCBSNC with a maximum annual dollax for prescribed eyeglasses, lens and <br />frames. Please refer to your Employee Benefit Summary.) Unlike BCBSNC, which required members to utilize <br />providers in their network, the County Health Plan does not restrict you to in-network providers. We made this <br />improvement for. two important reasons: <br />I) . Some members did not use the vision benefit because there was not an in-network ophthalmologist or <br />optometrist within a reasonable distance from their home. In order to make it easier on all employees to <br />use their vision benefit, we decided not to limit the plan to in-network providers. <br />2) Covering the routine eye exams at the same cost to you at ANY provider gives you more choices. <br />9/27/2006 <br />