Agenda - 10-03-2006-5e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-2006
Agenda - 10-03-2006-5e
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RES-2006-091 Property Value Changes
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Attachment 1 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />~~ <br />the Pool investigated the cost of recreating this program, we decided that our money was <br />better spent in other ways. BCBS's program is due to expire this December. <br />• Blue Points -The Blue Points exercise and "get free stuff 'program does not currently exist <br />with the County Health Plan, although we will be rolling out the County Lifestyles program <br />in the 2007, which will be more geared to our Counties and their wellness initiatives. <br />Retail Dispensing Quantities - At retail, your prescription drug benefit is available for up to <br />an initia130-day supply. According to BCBS they allowed some maintenance drugs to be <br />filled more often and in some cases for up to a 90 day supply. The NCACC will allow up to <br />a 90-day supply, but only through our Caremark Mail Order program. You are limited to a <br />maximum of 30 days at a time at retail. <br />Vision - Your ID card does not have vision listed on it as the plan includes vision for all <br />members. It also does not list your pharmacy co-pays, so that the pharmacist would not <br />confuse CIGNA with Caremark and send a drug claim to CIGNA. <br />• .Participating Provider Network Differences -Aside from the physician disruption between <br />CIGNA and BCBSNC, which both CIGNA and CAPE are working to eliminate, there are <br />other areas where a new or different network for health care services will be applicable with <br />the County Health Plan. See examples below: <br />Dialysis Centers -BCBS has and exclusive arrangement with the corporate dialysis centers <br />called BMA. CIGNA uses several different facilities and has contracts with Gambaro and <br />Dialysis Care <br />CIGNA Behavioral Healthcare - CBH provides the mental health benefits for the program, <br />whereas BCBSNC used the Magellan Behavioral Health network. <br />Durable Medical Equipment -CIGNA uses several different local facilities and has contracts <br />with APRIA Healthcare and several others. <br />In-network optical centers - In order to receive discounts for eye glasses and contact lenses, <br />these items must be provided by a "Health Rewards" network provider. CIGNA uses several <br />different opticians and has contracts with Pearle, Target, Sears, and several others. <br />While it was our intention to make this program as close to the former program as possible, we <br />were not able to replicate everything. However, we did strive to include some very important <br />program enhancements, while making sure your plan designs were the same. Financially, we are <br />striving to spend your healthcare dollars on the items that make the most sense and provide the <br />best services. <br />
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