Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />~~ <br />What's EnhancecU What's Different <br />The simple response to why the new County Health Plan is not exactly the same as the former is <br />that the Plan is no longer being administered by BCBSNC. When our plan transitioned from one <br />claims payer and pharmacy benefits manager to another, we attempted to replicate the basic plan <br />designs and coverages. This is what we did during this move and why we stand behind the <br />statements made that your "plan design" is the same. <br />Every nuance of the claims paying operation, list of participating providers, and items such as <br />disease management programs. will not be exactly the same as before. Clearly, the NCACC had <br />to make choices based on our membership and most were based on our primary goal of reducing <br />costs and creating our own program. We are dealing with very different claims and service <br />providers whose operations are not the same. However, below we have outlined same of the <br />more prevalent items that are different and/or enhanced with the new program. <br />Below are the items that the County Health Plan has elected to enhance or add to the program for <br />you: <br />• Additional disease management programs offered are Lower Back Pain and Chronic <br />Obstructive Pulmonary Disease <br />• Outpatient labs and mammograms are paid at 100% whether rendered alone or with other <br />procedures. <br />• Ambulance Services are covered at the in-network coinsurance level even if the hospital you <br />are delivered to is out of network. <br />• Comprehensive vision exam is covered at the same level (after a deductible equal to your <br />PCP co-payment) regardless of whether or not the health care provider is in-network. (May <br />require a patient to pay in full up front and be reimbursed by CIGNA if the provider is not in- <br />network, but BCBS paid $0 for out of network vision care) <br />• Transplants are covered at 100% rather than co-insurance at in- or out-of-network levels. <br />• Dental Coverage includes a Brush Biopsy and Oral Health Maternity Program <br />• Prescription Smoking Cessation Drugs are now covered <br />• Mail Order Program allows for 90 days supply for reduced co-pay and better rebates for mail <br />order. <br />• Quantity Limits on Drugs - we only limit sleep aids, Stadol and erectile dysfunction drugs, <br />as does BOBS. However, we limit far fewer drugs than BCBS. <br />• Prior Authorization for Drugs - We require prior authorization on just Arava, Growth <br />Hormones and Anti-fiingal which are far fewer drugs on the PA list than BCBS so fewer <br />lassies for you and your physician. <br />• Enhanced Reporting -With the purchase and implementation of MedStat, our program will <br />provide a higher degree and frequency of useful claims reports for your group. <br />