Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: OF93300E -D182- 4824- AB97- AB4A8DFC99A5 <br />Conflict of Interest Policy <br />Definition of Conflict of Interest: <br />A conflict of interest involves an actual action, appearance or perceived interest by an <br />agency, the agency's staff members or Board members, which would result in personal. <br />organizational or professional gain. A conflict of interest occurs if Express Supp ort Home <br />Care, its employee(s), or board member(s) have direct fiduciary interest in another <br />relationship. Other situations that could result in conflict of interest include: <br />Ownership with a member(s) of the Board of Directors or an employee(s) that could result <br />in one or the other is having supervisory authority over the other or with any client that <br />receives services. <br />Employment of or by a member of the Board of Directors or an employee where one or the <br />other has supervisory authority over the other or with a client who receives services. <br />Contractual relationship with a member of the board of directors or an employee where one <br />or the other is having supervisory authority over the other or with a client who receives <br />services. <br />Creditor or debtor to a member of the Board of Directors or an employee where one or the <br />other has supervisory authority over the other or with a client who receives services. <br />Consultative or consumer relationship with a member of the Board of Directors or an <br />employee where one or the other has supervisory authority over the other or with a client <br />who receives services. <br />Conflict or interest also includes the existence of any bias or appearance of bias in a <br />decision- making process that would result in a duel role played by.a member of the <br />organization or group. <br />Definition of the responsibilities of Employee /Contractor /Board Member: <br />Defining the responsibilities of the employees, contractors and board members would <br />fortify trust and confidence, expedite resolution of problems and strive to reduce <br />organizational and individual stress that emanates from conflict of interest. <br />Employees are to avoid any actual or appearance of conflict of interest. Employees should <br />realize that the agency serves the totality of the community and not any particular special <br />interest group. The appearance of a conflict of interest would not only bring embarrassment <br />to the agency, but could jeopardize its credibility. Any trace of conflict of interest, potential <br />conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest should be reported to any supervisor <br />immediately. Employees are required to maintain independence and objectivity with <br />clients, the community and organization. Employees are expected to maintain a sense of <br />fairness, civility, ethics and personal integrity even when not required by law, regulation or <br />custom. <br />Acceptance of Gifts: <br />Employee, members their immediate family and members of the Board of Directors are <br />prohibited from accepting gifts, money or gratuities from the following: <br />a. Persons receiving benefits or services from the agency. <br />b, Any person or organization performing or seeking to perform services under <br />contract with the agency; and <br />c. Persons who are otherwise in a position to benefit from the actions of any employee <br />of the agency. <br />J <br />