Orange County NC Website
Authorized representatives of tlie AAA and the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult <br />Services may at any reasonable times review and inspect the prograrn activities and data <br />Collected pUrstjant to his contract. All reports and computations prepared by or for the <br />Cirantee shall 'be made available to authorized representatives of the AAA and the North <br />Carolina Division or Aging and Adult Services f(:)r inspection and review at any reasonable <br />times in the Grantee's of"fice, Approval and acceptance of'such material shall not relieve the <br />Grantee of its profe,ssional obligation to correct, at its expense, any en-OrS fOLInd. <br />To ensure adequate review and evaluation of the work and proper coordination arnong <br />interested parties, the AAA shall be kept [ally informed concerning the progress ofthe work <br />and services perflornned. <br />Grantee's Personnel <br />.rhe Grantee represents that it has, or will secure all personnel required to perform the <br />services provided for Under this contract. The Grantee shall be considered as an independent <br />contractor with responsibility for ni,aintaining liability and other relevant insurance <br />coverage, This agreement is not intended nor to be construed as an ernployer/employee <br />arrangement. <br />Accounting <br />The Grantee shall rnaintain complete accounting records sufficient to document receipts and <br />expenditures ol"grant funds under this agreement, All accounting records shOUld be <br />rnaintained in accordance with the North Carolina Local Government BUdget and Fiscal <br />Control Act, <br />Reporting <br />The Grantee agrees to maintain records and comply will, 911 reporting requirements of the <br />AAA and the NC Divisiori of Aging and Adult SCI-ViCCS, including but not Ifinited to <br />quarterly reporting of individuals served, providing copies of credentials of leaders and lay <br />leaders and a schedule of planned classes or activities, Select Evidence-Based Health <br />Promotion Disease Prevention programs may have reporting requirements outside of this <br />agreement. <br />Approval of Subcontract or Assignability <br />Any purchase of-'services with grant funds shall be carried out in accordance with the <br />procurenient and contracting policy of the Grantee, provided it does not conflict with <br />procurement and contracting requirements contained in 45 CFR, 92.36, (b)(I I). <br />The Grantee shall not assign all or any portion of its interest in this contract without prior <br />pen-nission from the AAA. Where Such assignment is executed, the contract between the <br />Grantee arid its sub-i-ecipient entity will specify the pass-through of funds and which <br />specific provisions of"this contract are, to be administered by the Grantee and the SUb- <br />recipient, Their st,ibcontract. will then become an addendUrn to the present, contract and the <br />Grantee will provide oversight of the sub-rc',cipicnt's performance, including, but 1101 limited <br />to, providing verification of sub-i-ecipient's eligibility for receipt of federal and state funding <br />