Orange County NC Website
a3 <br />entire documents. Services available in Spanish/Servicios <br />Disponibles en Espanol. <br />3. Increase Representation of LEP Communities on Volunteer Advisory Boards <br />and Commissions - In order to get LEP communities to participate on Boards <br />and Commissions, it may be necessary to advertise with ethnic media and <br />change meeting times. Additionally, it may be necessary to provide Spanish <br />language applications and provide preliminary informational sessions to assist <br />individuals in understanding what it means to serve on a Board or <br />Commission. <br />4. Strengthen policies designed to reduce the impact of language and cultural <br />barriers for LEP communities -Title VI is currently the primary policy that <br />addresses services to the LEP community. As such, the County should have a <br />uniform Title VI policy that is reviewed and updated on a regular (biannual) <br />basis and a specifically designated employee (Title VI compliance officer or <br />coordinator) with review and coordination responsibilities countywide. <br />Currently, several Departments have created their own policies but there is no <br />uniformity to the policies and there is no designated Title VI compliance <br />person. Once a uniform Title VI policy is created all front line employees <br />should be given notice that the policy exists and notice as to how queries or <br />comments are to be referred. It is recommended that the LEP coordinator <br />within the HRRD be designated by the County Manager to serve in this <br />capacity. <br />5. Conduct Aggressive Outreach in LEP communities -When attempting to reach <br />the Latino community, conduct aggressive outreach using resources such as <br />ethnic media, community fairs, non-profit organizations, churches and other <br />less formal methods of reaching the community. The Latino community tends <br />to use word of mouth advertising. People and or agencies referred through the <br />21 <br />