Orange County NC Website
PAGE 4 of 5 <br />B. Bogue needs to schedule a Local Working Group Meeting. He asked the Board if they had a <br />certain date in mind. It was determined to hold the meeting on September 29 in the DEAPR <br />Conference room to discuss resource concerns and to determine needs and priorities for the <br />upcoming fiscal year. Local and state questions and concerns will be addressed. <br />Educational Update <br />Farm To Table: This year's educational outreach program will be held at the Blackwood Farm <br />on October 2 -3. Lisa and Gail are involved in assisting the DEAPR Educational /Programming <br />Team with this event as well as serving as resource presenters. <br />N.C. State Fair: As a member of the State Fair Committee, Lisa asked the Board to volunteer <br />for this year's event. Supervisor, K. McAdams expressed an interest and desire to help Gail and <br />Lisa on October 21. <br />L. Pope requested approval to attend "Project Wild" Course on November 5; a required course <br />that is needed for her N.C. Environmental Education Certification. There is no charge for the 8 <br />hour workshop. L. Pope will research costs of hotel room and provide cost to the Board at next <br />meeting. R.Tate made a motion for L. Pope to attend; C. Parker seconded. <br />L. Pope will be sending out "Wetlands are Wonderful" Contest info to teachers and schools. She <br />will present this topic to 450 4th grade students & teachers on October 2 -3 at Farm to Table event <br />at Blackwood Farm. Gail and Lisa will present this topic again at 7th Grade Earth Walk's in <br />October. This should gain some interest in contests. If teachers /students show little interest in <br />participating, the board voted to once again extend the $25 incentive (for classroom supplies) to <br />the first 8 teachers who have students enter posters, essays or speeches. R. Tate moved to <br />approve $25 incentive fee, if needed. Morris seconded. The Board agreed to pay up to $200 <br />from NC Matching Grant Funds for up to eight (8) "first come —first serve" teachers, if needed. <br />Budget <br />G. Hughes discussed Budget. L. Pope provided the Board with current account balances. <br />M. Shambley moved to approve $550 payment for insurance coverage on No Till Drill from Due <br />to Soil & Water Account; C. Parker seconded. <br />Division of Soil & Water /NCDA Update <br />Division Regional Coordinator, Ralston James, encouraged the Board of Supervisors to attend <br />the upcoming Area III Fall Meeting in Caswell County on November 6th. R. James reported that <br />the Association By Laws and Articles have not been revised in a while. More information on <br />these changes are forthcoming. Please be sure to attend fall meeting. <br />R. James expressed his desire to be with the OSWCD Board & Staff at all board meetings but <br />has not been able to as he is experiencing a heavy work load with 34 counties to cover since <br />Steve Bennett has retired. New Regional Coordinator is to be hired soon. <br />