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— Morris moved to approve to reimburse the registration costs for five (5) local <br />schools for participation at the Area III Envirothon. Matching Grant funds, <br />Karen seconded. <br />— Gail requested that the Orange High School Outdoor Classroom Committee draw <br />up a proposal for cistern storm water planter. The Committee will create a grant <br />request of $1,500 to $2,000. Currently there is $9,779 in the Patterson account <br />which is slated for educational purposes such as the above mentioned. Karen <br />made a motion to proceed with grant request to designate up to $2,500 for this <br />proposal with the Board being open to other funding possibilities; Roger <br />seconded. <br />Budget <br />Lisa distributed information on current account balances. Gail requested approval from <br />the board to increase travel /training budget line items, gas for the new DEAPR truck, etc. <br />Gail stated that she will work directly with Treasurer, Morris Shambley, on this <br />information. A motion was made by Karen for Gail to proceed with request in order to <br />help to better facilitate the offices budget needs; Clay seconded. <br />Miscellaneous Discussion <br />Gail updated the Board on new Voluntary Ag District (VAD) Farms as approved by the <br />Ag Preservation Board. These farms were Poole and Redding. <br />Lisa reminded the Board of the Area III Spring Meeting Registration is due (Caswell <br />County Civic Center). <br />The Board approved to pay the NACD Dues, remaining at the Gold Level of $775. <br />Karen approved to pay this from the Dues account, Clay seconded. <br />Gail reported that the 2014 Ag Summit Meeting date has been slated for February 25. <br />Location and topics of discussion are pending. <br />Morris moved to reimburse Gail for her notary stamp fees /cost; Clay seconded. $111.87 <br />reimbursement request will be taken out of the Matching Grant Funds, per the Board. <br />The Board entered into an Executive Session, immediately following the conclusion of <br />board meeting. <br />U01M <br />Morris Shambley, Secretary /Treasurer <br />