Orange County NC Website
Public Hearing-Annual and Five Year Plans (continued) <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley mentioned that we are currently organizing a Resident <br /> Advisory Board. The organizational meeting was August 12, 2015. She stated that the <br /> feedback was good. She summarized that the meeting included discussion about <br /> campaigning to get more landlords and provide training for tenants on how to search <br /> for housing and how to communicate with landlords. There was also the suggestion to <br /> put more information on the website for landlords. <br /> Mark Marcoplos asked if people apply for Housing Rehabilitation. Audrey explained <br /> that the County through funding from the State Finance Agency has a small <br /> rehabilitation program that provided for three to four houses. She said the Department <br /> advertised and interested persons could submit applications which far exceed who can <br /> be assisted. She estimated there was over 30 applications. She also stated that the <br /> State has very specific rehabilitation requirements and it is a challenge to find <br /> properties that fit. Qualifying can be hard because most houses are only allowed <br /> $45,000 and often the work needed to bring the property up to code far exceeds that <br /> amount. Mark discussed how construction can be expensive. Audrey stated that <br /> maybe the Board of Commissioners can supplement some of the cost to assist more <br /> people under this Program. <br /> Audrey said the County also has an Urgent Repair Program funded by the County for <br /> limited repairs for owner households that are elderly and or disabled. She said <br /> requests far exceed the funding and resources for that Program as well. Evelyn Johann <br /> asked if the purpose of the program is to keep people in their home. She said yes that <br /> is one of the primary objectives. Audrey explained that repairs include roof repairs <br /> and ramps for example. <br /> Jean Bolduc asked if there were any further questions or comments regarding the <br /> Annual and Five Year Plans; and there were none. Audrey Spencer-Horsley stated that <br /> the Plans would be submitted to HUD for approval upon signature by the Chair. Jean <br /> Bolduc closed the Public Hearing. A motion to approve the Annual and Five Year <br /> Plans was made by Mark Marcoplos and seconded by Evelyn Johann and was <br /> unanimously approved. <br /> HAP/Budget Review <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley presented the financial report. She reviewed with the Board the VMS <br /> HUD report and answered questions. She said that at least 34 port-ins have been absorbed. She <br /> stated that HUD has had questions about lease up being down. She said that they have asked for <br /> additional information and the she has responded to all HUD's concerns and described the plans <br /> being implemented to improve the numbers for lease up. Participants use to have four months to <br /> look for housing, they now have sixty days,but they can ask for an extension... Tammy Jacobs <br /> wanted to know why the change from four months to sixty days and Audrey explained that trying <br /> to streamline as much as possible the lease up process and time. There was discussion about the <br /> number of vouchers on the street and the total HUD budget. <br />