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have issued a preliminary list of the standards and the Orange County Housing Department inspectors <br /> are reviewing them for possible changes, impact and comments to HUD. Audrey Spencer-Horsley briefly <br /> discussed that one of the challenges in working with landlords is the lead based paint requirements. <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley stated that she will follow up with the OCHA Board on any of the inspectors' <br /> recommendations to HUD. <br /> Acquisitions of Property <br /> The County is moving forward to increasing affordable housing. They are looking into acquisition of <br /> property and looking to the OCHA Board to have a role on behalf of the Orange County Board (BOCC) of <br /> Commissioners. One of the recommendations in the Strategic Plan is that the BOCC enter into a <br /> memorandum of understanding with the OCHA for that purpose. Audrey Spencer-Horsley explained <br /> that it is acquisition of new property that is being proposed. She stated this could include current <br /> County owned land, as well as other parcels in the future. She said there would likely be solicitation for <br /> selection of a property management company. <br /> Financial Report <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley will provide an updated financial report. She is working with the Department of <br /> Finance and HUD to adjust number that are close, but need to match the audit. Funds are estimated <br /> quarterly instead of receiving all the funds at one time. She said the number of leased units is up. There <br /> are 556 units leased and 100 names on the old list.There are plans to pull from the new pool soon. She <br /> noted that voucher holders are still having trouble finding places. <br /> Affordable Housing Strategies <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley stated that the BOCC has a draft of the Proposed Affordable Housing Strategic <br /> Plan and the link has been posted for the public. She briefly reviewed components of the Plan that <br /> involve the OCHA among the five year goals including property acquisitions, self-sufficiency and <br /> incentives for landlords. Audrey Spencer-Horsley also advised that she has asked the county's IT <br /> Department for assistance with a portal for the HCV tenants and a portal for the landlords. <br /> Other Business <br /> Jean Bolduc would like for the staff to attend a conference. She would also like to explore the option for <br /> one or two board members to attend a conference. Finally, she would like to see money allocated for <br /> an incentive plan for landlords. <br /> There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted: <br /> Angela Rockett, Administrative Assistant <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley, Director <br />