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stated that a work session on the AHSP is scheduled for May 10, 2016 and that they are working <br /> towards and hopeful that the AHSP and recommended funding in the budget would be adopted by the <br /> end of June. She stated that the BOCC indicated that the Affordable Housing Advisory Board (AHAB) <br /> would be the steering committee for the AHSP and recommendations will come from them to the BOCC. <br /> The goal is to create 500 new units over the next five years out of a total of 1000 assisted units. The <br /> county has stated that affordable housing is a top priority and have resources are being put into <br /> affordable housing. <br /> Tammy Jacobs wanted clarification about county owned property. Audrey Spencer-Horsley explained <br /> that a county staff team looked at all county owned property and determined that there were twelve <br /> sites that may be suitable for affordable housing development. There was criteria established that <br /> included access to existing or proposed transportation, utilities, etc. The large tracts are in Southern <br /> Orange County and the Green Tract jointly owned by the County with two other towns, Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro. She stated that other uses will be looked at for the larger properties; uses that can be co- <br /> located on the properties, not just affordable housing. <br /> Financial Report <br /> Audrey reviewed the HCV February and March reports. HAP payments paid were for two home <br /> ownership units, 15 ports and other vouchers leased, 538 and the total was 555 vouchers. There were <br /> 45 new vouchers issued and 19 port-ins. The voucher information for the month of March was the <br /> same. There were 14 port-outs. Since the purging of the waiting list and the new waiting list,the <br /> vouchers leased numbers are slowly going up. Voucher holders are still having a difficult time finding <br /> units and willing landlords to participate in the HCV program. <br /> Other Business <br /> Ms. Spencer-Horsley reminded the OCHA Board of a meeting last August, 2015 in Hillsborough and a <br /> recent one in Chapel Hill, April 13th to form a Resident Advisory Board. She reported there were several <br /> HCV participants that attended the meeting that was hosted by Community Empowerment Fund. There <br /> were two HCV participants that volunteered to serve on the Resident Advisory Board. She said there <br /> were good discussions about issues in some of the apartment complexes. Also, there were concerns <br /> about the lack of places that take vouchers. The tenants were very interested in home ownership. <br /> Tammy Jacobs suggested that someone from Fair Housing speak at the proposed Affordable Housing <br /> conference to help educate the tenants of their rights.Tammy also would like for one of the OCHA <br /> members to attend the Resident Advisory Board meetings. Audrey Spencer-Horsley explained how <br /> Centre for Homeownership is working with the HCV program to help increase home ownership and self- <br /> sufficiency. <br /> Ms. Spencer-Horsley mentioned that the AHAB Affordable Housing Tour and members of the BOCC <br /> expressed interest in participating and she thought the OCHA might be interested as well. She said <br /> September was suggested for the Tour given the BOCC's busy schedule with the budget, Bond plans and <br /> work on the AHSP right now. In Jean Bolduc's absence, discussion was tabled for the proposed <br /> Affordable Housing Conference tentatively discussed to be in early October, 2016. <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley presented on behalf of the BOCC volunteer appreciation gifts to the OCHA <br /> members. <br /> There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. <br />