Orange County NC Website
UPDATED 0'I/14/0( <br />in the County that the cards are available. A press release was also issued and residents <br />were provided copies of the cards directly, Emergency Management has ordered a second <br />printing that will be provided to interested churches and individuals. The second printing <br />will be fore 14,250 cards. <br />8, Staff have requested an intern thorough the IJNC- Chapel Hill APPLES service <br />learning program to develop a readiness Internet portal, modifying the <br />www readyoranue.or site currently in plane, which will provide lirilcs to our parnner <br />agencies, much like the H2Orange website did during the drought response. Staff also <br />collaborated with the public information division of the North Carolina Department of <br />Crime Control and Public Safety in development of the state website <br />and www.listonc.ora. <br />9. Staff received and utilized grant fimding to place emergency preparedness radio <br />advertisements on WCIiL that ran thl°ough this summer. <br />10. Staff were interviewed twice on WCHL during Ron Stutts's morning show during <br />hurricane season. <br />1 1. Staff received and utilized grant fimding to expand the cinema advertisement <br />emergency preparedness project to the Streets of Southpoint. This ilmovation has been <br />picked up by the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety as a <br />state model, and they have begun to purchase advertising time across the state for <br />emergency preparedness as well. <br />12. Staff have issued press releases and other media coordination to encourage <br />emergency preparedness. <br />13. Staff have contracted with a conference call provider and have begun conference calls <br />with our municipal, state, and non-profit partners to coordinate during storms. <br />14. Staff are exploring a possible redirection of grant funding for the purchase and <br />implementation of a web-based incident management software program to help with <br />information sharing and coordination with our partners during disasters. <br />I S. Staff have worked through the Chambers of Conunerce to provide emergency <br />preparedness information and updates. <br />16. Staff have continued coordination with the Non-English speaking eomm~unity through <br />the Immigrant Emergency Comnnmication committee. <br />17, Staff are working with the Disability Awareness Council to provide emergency <br />preparedness updates to the disabled residents. <br />Training <br />