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Orange County Animal Services Sheltering Practices and Philosophies tQ <br />shelters, breed adoption groups, veterinary associations, and other Denver-area <br />groups with a stake in finding solutions to animal homelessness, the Metro <br />Denver Shelter Alliance has become a model for collaboration, <br />Now other local participants in the Asilomar Accords are bringing the concept <br />back to their awn communities, In Seattle, a community with a "pretty wholesome <br />working environment" for animal protection organizations, there are still groups <br />promoting their own agendas by painting a negative picture of other agencies, <br />says Nancy McKenney, CEO of the Humane Society of Seattle/King County. And <br />the community is still lacking in real area-wide statistics and measurement tools, <br />she says, <br />The new Asilomar documents are a good "baby step" toward solving those <br />issues, says McKenney, who is in the embryonic stages of forming a coalition in <br />her area, The documents lend weight and credibility to the process, she says. "I <br />think this has a lot of potential positive repercussions in showing the <br />communitywide statistics and in showing that groups are getting together to try to <br />look at the problem and actually obtain some more concrete information," she <br />says, "as opposed to some of the more emotional rhetoric that tends to occur." <br />Because they must take in animals in varying behavioral and physical states, <br />animal control agencies often perform the most euthanasia-and therefore may <br />be skeptical of a document that requires them to report all their numbers <br />alongside those of better-funded agencies, says Belinda Lewis, director of Fort <br />Wayne Animal Care and Control in Indiana, Ideally, however, the statistics will be <br />used to show not how many animals one agency is euthanizing but how many <br />homeless animals the community is generating and sending to shelters in the <br />first place, she says. <br />"In the coalition type of approach, you're not looking at euthanasia at the animal <br />control agency-you're looking at euthanasia in the entire community," says <br />Lewis. "And the theory behind Asilomar is not pointing fingers at one agency <br />who, while they may do their best to [head] in the right direction, still has to face <br />the limits that they have, Sa if in fact a coalition is true to the Asilomar nature and <br />is honest in its information and its direction, then the coalition becomes the <br />defender of the animal control agency," <br />In other words, consistent reporting-when adapted by all sides of the spectrum <br />in a kind of team approach-will make it "socially unacceptable" to engage in <br />name-calling and derogatory behavior, says John Snyder, senior director of <br />Companion Animals and Equine Protection for The HSUS. <br />Gathering around the table for peace talks is na small feat in communities with a <br />history of feuding, But the Asilomar Accords and the alliances in Denver and San <br />Francisco-and, most recently, Chicago and Monterey-are evidence that <br />nothing is impossible. <br />