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8 <br />issue is the need for more specialized information access for,job seeking and vohmfeering. This is a <br />continuing need for seniors. The Employment Security office does not separate out jobs suitable for <br />seniors. The last priority issue is to increase marketing of aging services..Ianice Tyler said that she <br />is working on a County connnittee looking at this entire area for human services. This includes <br />looking at developing a logo, securing fw~ding for Senior Times, brochures and other items for <br />advertising. <br />Ann .lohnson mentioned that there are senior clubs in other counties and that Orange <br />County does need to reach out to other clubs to give them information about senior services.. <br />Yoko Crume said that at the State level they have a new initiative to coordinate State <br />planning and local planning which hopefully will move toward a consumer directed approach to <br />planning which will be outcome based. They would like to have guiding principles for seniors. <br />They will work with other elected officials and the County Managers to try to coordinate State and <br />County agencies.. <br />Arm .Johnson said that one of the problems is that while it is clear who is responsible <br />at the national level. At the State level, it is whoever the Governor appoints as the agency that is <br />responsible and in North Carolina that agency is the Division of Aging and Adult Services. The <br />area agencies are very clear also. What is not clear is who is responsible at the local level and that <br />needs to be clarified. <br />Kate Barrett asked if there is some way that our process can be used with this <br />coordinating planning process.. <br />Yoko Crume said that information from this committee can be fed into the state <br />planning process and then worked into the national plan. <br />Kate Barrett said that regarding marketing, there is a real need to market boomers <br />and to prepare for the next generation and their needs. <br />Barry .Jacobs asked if there is a list serve and was told that there is a database but not <br />on a list serve.. He suggested a way to generate revenue for' the Senior' Tirnes might be to sell the <br />list serve to advertisers who advertise in the Senior Times, He said that there is legislation in the <br />State and Congress to change the way that cable is regulated which will end any opportunity to have <br />a free television show. There will be no public access or local control. <br />In answer to a question from .lack Chestnut about collaborating with the Recreation <br />Department on publications, .Janice Tyler' said that what they are looking at is combining their <br />request for bids that go out for each publication and hope that a savings can be realized by this <br />process. <br />HOUSING <br />.tack Chestnut gave this report, His Steering Committee identified eighC (8) issues. <br />The first is affordable housing for seniors both north and west of Hillsborough. The property tax <br />breaks was addressed earlier in the agenda, The support services in planned senior communities <br />was what Ann .Johnson and others were talking about. Barry Jacobs said that the County has asked <br />the Planning Board to reconstitute the way land use plan updates will take place. The original Land <br />Use Plan was written in 1981 and amended overtime and is in need of being updated. They want to <br />create a process which will allow advisory boards that have an interest to make recommendations <br />that will be incorporated into the Land Use Plan. Alice Gordon said that right now we have the <br />Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan which is what is being sent back Co the Planning <br />Board. We also have other elements and one of those has to do with affordable housing..Iack <br />Chestnut said that what the Advisory Board on Aging hopes is that planning can be created for' <br />"Senior Friendly Communities" like at Southern Village in Chapel Hill. There is a r°eal need to help <br />people age in place. The next issue deals with education on how to age in place. They did have a <br />Forum in Chapel Hill with 175 people attending. There is a need to have many more of these. The <br />next initiative is to revise regulations and other restrictions to allow for innovative approaches to <br />